book 8




Lesson 1


To launch, launched – Lançar

To replace, replaced – substituir

To tend, tended -- Tender


Gadget – utencilio, ferramenta

Obsolete --  Obsoleto

Invention – Invenção

Equipment – Equipamento

Improvement – Melhoria

Developer – Desenvolvedor

Leading – Principal, destaque

Rapid – Rápido

Feature – Característico

Copyright – direito autoral

Innovation – Inovação

Sophisticated – Sofisticado

Latest – Mais recentes

Browser – Navegador, navegador


IT – Information technology -- TI - Tecnologia da Informação

Cuttinhg edge – levar vantagem

User friendly – amigo do usuário

Means of comminication --  Meios de comunicação

Search engine -- buscador


This can be a big problem if we need to replace a lot parts.

She has a degree in It and some experience. She my be a good developer.

The problem coud be the Wi – Fi connention or the configuration.

They started to devolop ot a couple of moths ago so they shoud be launching  it soon.

Consumers ought to see the improvement in the features.

This couldn´t be the most sophisticated one they have, could it?

It will  be user friendly.

This must be cutting edge technology.

Ask your friend

1 – If he will paint the walls again (Might just put wallpaper)

2 – If she will bake a cake for the birthday party (could just buy one_

3 – If he will go to work on Saturday (Should  speak with the director first)

4 – If she will sell her car. (But must buy a new one)

5 – If he will study another language (but it could be a good idea to study Spanish)

6 – If she will pay all the bills today. (but might go to the bank to withdraw some mony)

Justify your answers

1 – What  are three significant inventions  in your opinion?

2 – Have men really walked on the moon?

3 – Would you like to take a trip to space?

4 – Do you think there is life on the other planets?

5 – Do you belive in UFOs?


Lesson 2


To enjoy, enjoyed – aproveitar

To plan, planned – planejar

To design, designed -- projetar


resourcer – recursor

substantial – substancial

hazard – perigo, risco

heated – aquecido

goods – bens

scientific – científico

trend – tendência

function – função

effectively – efetivamente

maintenance – manutenção

tools – Ferramentas

analysis – análise

outsourcing – terceirização

off shore – fora da costa


os – operating system – sistema operacional

top notch – Top de linha

phone carrier – operadora de telefonia

word processor – processador de palavras


The growth of its popularity could have been due to the marketing campign.

Someone ought to have planned it better.

They coudn´t disposed of it properly.

She may not have changed her idea about it.

They must have left the city for a couple of days.

I may have forgotten my Ipad at work again.


Could they have chosen a different path?

1.      As far as I know, they could have chosen a different path.

2.      Must there have been a mistake?

3.      Should we have made more pizza?

4.      Might she have phoned the wrong person?

5.      Could they have picked too many flowers?

6.      Should we have printed more copies?

7.      Might he have asked the right girl?

8.      Couldn´t they have come to my party?

Lesson 3


To discover, discovered – Descobrir

To manufacture, manufactured – Manufaturar

To invent, invented – inventar


database – banco de dados

entertainment – entretenimento

carrier – operadora

remote – remoto

relevant – relevante

simultaneous – simultâneo

specialist – especialista

piracy – pirataria

consulting – consultando

experimentation – experimentação

posterity – posteridade

projection – projeção


to come to one´s senses – realçar os sentindo

to look out for (someone/ something) -- cuidar de

to be of soud mind – estar em sã consciência

to smell trouble – cheirar problemas

to leave a bitter taste in one´s mouth – deixar um gosto amargo na boca


That sounds familiar.

You smell bad.

Why are you smelling mt feet?

The soup tastesd of.

I also tasted it and I think it is great.

Doesn´t  this fabric feel great on your skin?

You don´t seem well.

Pronunciation and intonation:

1 His incisive words made us understand.

2 Learning the basics is essential.

3 He lives in the basement of his parent´s home. 

4 It was clear his case had no solid basis.

5 Outsourcing makes employess increasinglg insecure.

6 Drastic actions are never a good solution.

7 The inconsistency of his actions showed he didn´t care.

8 I missed the show today.

9 He was surprised at the party.

10 we are very disappointed with his work.

Lesson 4


to preserve, preserved – preservar

to reduce, reduced – reduzir

to demage, demaged – prejudicar, denificar


arid – árido

drought – seca

waste – desperdício

urbanization – urbanização

erosion – erosão

deforestation – desmatamento

recyclable – reciclável

global warming – aquecimento global

flood – enchente

biodiversity – biodiversidade

smog – poluição

asthma – asma

seldom – raramente

rarely – raramente



not until -- não até

under no circumstances -- sob nenhuma circunstância

under no condition – sob nenhuma condição

only by – apenas pela

hardly ever -- quase nunca


We hardly ever have floods in this area.

Hardly ever do we have floods in this area.

I don´t throw trash on the streets on any condition.

On no condition do I throw trash on the streets.

It is only possible to stop global warming  by reducing pollution.

Only by reducing pollution is it possible to stop global warming.

People will not start preserving the environment until it is too late.

Not until it is too late will people start preserving the environment.

We cannot allow that under any circumstance.

Under no circumstances can we allow that.

Ask your friend

How often she goes to restaurants (hardly ever)

Hardly ever do I go to restaurants.

1 – How often he goes to the movies (seldow)

2 – How often she buys new books (rarely)

3 – How often he travels (seldom)

4 -- How often she takes taxis (almost never)

5 – How often he buys new clothes (once in a while)

6  -- How often she goes out with she goes out with his friends (very often)


 Lesson 5


To avoid, avoied -- Evitar

To destroy, destroed -- Destruir

To warn, warned -- Avisar


survival – sobrevivência

earthquake – terremoto

disposable – descartável

destructive – destrutivo

consumerism – consumismo

ozone layer – camada de ozônio

biodegradable – biodegradável

carbon footprint – emissão, pegada de carbono

renewable – renovável

oil spill – derramamento de óleo

marine life – vida marinha

wildlife – vida selvagens

atmosphere – atmosfera

scarcely -- dificilmente


on no occasion – em nenhuma ocasião

never before – nunca antes

not since – não Desde

only after -- só depois


They had never been accused of anything before.

Never before had we been accused of anything.

We haven´t had guests since Cristmas.

Not since Cristmas have we had guests.



Did they have  a child only after they had bought  ahouse?

AS far as I remember, only after they had bought  a house did they have a child.

1. Willshe come over only after she finishes her homework?

2.Can he watch the movie only after he reads the book?

3. Haven´t we had guests over since Cristmas?

4. Had they never been to China before?

5. Does the company often require employees to work overtime?

6. Will they get a massage only after they fill out the form?

7. Hadn´t she driven a car since the accident?

8. Did he seldom buy her gifts?

Lesson 6


To prevent, prevented: Prevenir

To affect, affected: Afetar

To breathe, breathed: Respirar


conservation: conservação:

contagious: transmissível

emission: emissão

endangered: ameaçadas de extinção

radiation: radiação

chemical: química

extinct: extinto

research: pesquisar


reusable: reutilizável

irreplaceable: insubstituível

sewage: esgoto

organism: organismo

hardly: dificilmente


in no way: de maneira alguma

only then: apenas então

only later: só mais tarde

no sooner...than... Não antes de

on no account: em hipótese alguma


Pronunciation and intonation:

1.      A rabbit made a hole in her hat.

2.      He put the revolver in the holster.

3.      My hands are red and rough.

4.      We hated riding horses.

5.      There is a hole in the roof.

6.      How do I handle this heavy rock?

7.      Their hearts were really happy.

8.      She had red hair.

9.      How would you rate the movie?

10.  Can you heat the ranch house?

Lesson 7


To commit, committed: cometer

To benefit, benefited: Beneficiar

To appreciate, appreciated: Apreciar


generosity – generosidade

food bank – Banco Alimentar

kindness -- gentileza

benefactor – benfeitor

mentor – mentor

volunteer – voluntário

aid – ajuda

shelter – abrigo

hunger – fome

selfless – altruísta

solidarity – solidariedade

initiative – iniciativa

charity – iniciativa

fundraiser -- arrecadação de fundos


to walk in someone´s shoes: andar no lugar de alguém

a good cause: uma boa causa

the bigger the better: quanto maior melhor

whereas: enquanto


Their satisfaction was multipled in the degree that the donations incresed.

As the misic got louder, people started dancing more.

The more investment there is , the safer our projedt  gets.

The more they asked us for money, the less we trusted the organization.

They will be fine even if they have to sell their house.

Depite not being rich, they donate to charity.

While some students like to help, others care less.

Ask your friend

1.      If she will go to the party tonight (no / although it´ll be a great party)

2.      If he would like tl have a pet (yes/ despite my allergies)

3.      If she will get a driver´s license (yes/ even it I don´t own a car yet)

4.      If he will go on vacation soon (no/ althought I would like to)

5.      If she wants to have dessert (no/ while I am on a diet)

6.      If he will go to the basketball game (yes/ yet my favorite sport is soccer)

7.      If she wants to see that movie (yes/ as mich as liked the book)

Lesson 8


To support, supported – Suportar

to sponsor, sponsored – patrocinar

to survive, survived -- sobreviver


peers – pares

humanity – humanidade

integrity – integridade

exited – saiu

role model – modelo

thankful – grato

dependable – confiável

social work – trabalho social

support – apoiar

pro bono – pro bonos

empathy – empatia

endorsement – endosso

implication -- implicação


Charitable deduction – dedução de caridade

To be in need – Estar precisando

In order to – A fim de

So as not to -- De modo a nao


Many  lawyers do pro bono  work in order to pay less tax

We choise this campaign to better advertise our company.

They want a house so that they will stop paying rent.

Nobody talked about that so as not to hurt his feeling

They used her story so that others might be inspired .

 After having succeeded in life, he became a mentor to students .

As soon as she stared talking with them, her opinion changed.

You can volunteer whenever  you have some free time.

Don´t judge your peers until you´ve walked in their shoers.


In order to succeed, you need to improve your English.

I coudn´t agree more that I need to improve my English in order to succed.


1.      So that others might encouraged, we ought to show them results the results.

2.      After graduating in education one should always start working as a teacher.

3.      So as not to spend too much at the supermarket, you need to find coupons.

4.      Whenever we succed in business we should donate some money to charity.

5.      He should go on vacation , as soon as he has some free time.

6.      So that they will pass the exam, they should study their lessons.

7.      To better know our friends, we should invite them to a dinner party.

8.      She shouln´t  change her car white she doen´t have a job.   

Lesson 9


To enable, enabled – habilitar, permitir

To contribute, contributed  -- Contribuir

To feed, fed, fed -- Alimentar


humble – humilde

humanitarian – humanitária

philanthropy – filantropia

gratude – gratidão

deduction – dedução

virtue – virtude

consideration – consideração

benevolent -- benevolente


in aid of – em auxílio de

poster child -- garoto-propaganda

as long as -- desde que


He was only invited due to the fact that he comtributed to the organization.

Did he treat the victims the way he would have liked to be treated?

As she was a poster child, they got a lot of donations.

Since he was a humanitation , he dacided to help them all.

Was he awarded a prize because of his social work?

She gave the speech as though she had written it herself.

We did everything just like out teacher told us to.

He carried on his father´s work as he had been taught.

Proninciation and intonation:

1.      I bet he was right in making that decision.

2.      That old house was full of bats.

3.      I met her right after I moved to New York.

4.      The mat needs to be washed.

5.      She has already said she won´t do it.

6.      He is not sad about what you did anymore.

7.      She got a nice tan during her summer vacation.

8.      There were  about ten people at the meeting.

9.      He just pecked at his food with no interest.

10.  I´ll still have to pack when I get home today.


Lesson 10


To advise, advised – aconselhar

To provide, provided – Fornecer

To educate, educated -- educar


caring – cuidadoso

involvament – envolvimento

attendance – comparecimento, freqüência

presence – presença

guardian – guardião

roots – raízes

orphan – órfão

descendant – descendente

daycare – creche

appropriete – apropriado

devotion  -- devoção

faithful – fiel

hereditary -- hereditário


family ties – laços familiares

to bring up – mencionar

nuclear family – nucleo familiar

family – família

 friendly – amigável

to run in the family -- correr em família


Parents must regularly study with  their children.

She can ocacasionally have ice cream with her parents.

It is sometimes difficult to discipline children.

Children seldom know a lot about their grandparents.

None of their children go to daycare.

He quit his job, but he told no one why.

They both work from home thought  neither one likes it very much.

Nobody understood why she didn´t talk much about her family.

Not everybody understood why she didn´t much about her family.

Not everybody understood why she didn´t talk about her family.

Ask your friend

1.How often he goes to New York (occasionally)

2.How often she exercises. (regularly)

3. How often he tralvels on business (generally)

4. How often she take some medicine (seldom)

5. How often he drinks 2 liters of water (regularly)

6. How often she has fruits and vegetables (Generally)

7. How often he watches television. (Seldom)


Lesson 11


To behave, behaved – Comportar-se

To adopt, adopted – Adotar

To regard, regarded -- considerar


elder – mais velho

custody – custódia

collaboration – colaboração

heir – herdeiro

alfinity – alfinidade

autonomy – autonomia

punishment – punição

parenthood – paternidade

caregiver – cuidadora

upbringing – Educação

dysfunctional – disfuncional

overprotective – Super-protetor

raising – subindo



underprivilleged – desfavorecido

inner city community – comunidade do centro da cidade

single parent – pai solteiro

extended family – família grande

to look up to (someone) – olhar para



The girl sat crying in the car because they were going home.

Having adopted a child, they were happier then ever.

The documentary discussed some disciplining techinques.

That caring mother never took her eyes off her daughter.

Divorce has recently increase at alarming rate.

Good teachers have a long –lasting impact on any child.

He is a smooth – talking man.


This noise disturbs the whole neighborhood.

What a disturbing noise.

1 – I have a lot of interest in this subject.

2 – The news confused me.

3 – His story inspired many people.

4 – I was so surprised with her gift.

5 – We were so bored by that movie.

6 – They are exhausted from the exercises.

7 – This story shocked us.

8 -- The air conditioner is making me freeze.


Lesson 12


To share; shared – Compartilhar

To forgive, forgave, forgiven – Perdoar

To value, valued – valorizar


Loyalty – Lealdade

Flaw Imperfeição

Envious – Invejoso

Consistent – Consistente

Affection – Afeição

Undemeath – Indeciso

Unique— Exclusivo

Unrestricted – Irrestrito

Emotinal – Emocional

Parental – Parental

bond – ligação, vinculo

proximity – proximidade

household -- doméstico


foster family – família adotiva

foster child – criança adotada

free rein – rédea livre

to take after (someone) – para levar depois

in – laws -- em – leis


1.      A daycare center was opened near the office.

2.      Children brought up in loving families are healthier.

3.      Accompanied by his dad, the boy felt  less scared of the doctor.

4.      His words have caused emotional reactions.

5.      Have thay been chosen to be our foster children?

6.      The surprised parents had no idea they were expecting  twins.

7.      The adopted  child had never had a birthday party before.

8.      Worried parents are sometimes overprotective of their children.

9.      There is nothing like a good homemade dinner with family.


Pronunciation and intonation

1.      The cotton shirt was soft.

2.      You ´re certain  the house is on mountain.

3.      The movie frightened his girlfriend .

4.      The crow stood for the curtain call.

5.      We can´t eat rotten fruit.

6.      This lamp will brighten up the room.

7.      Let´s help lighten her load.

8.      I lost a button off my pants.

Lesson 13


To encourage, encouraged – encorajar

To succeed, succeeded – suceder

To grow, grew, grown -- Crescer


Potential – Potencial

Knowledge – Conhecimento

Professor – Professor

Scholarship – Bolsa de estudos

Lecturer – Conferencista

Academic – Acadêmico

Literacy – Alfabetização

Level – Nível

Youngster – Jovem

Condition – Condição

Wise – Sábio

Admission – Admissão

Motivation – Motivação

Alluring – Sedutor


 illiteracy – analfabetismo

leaming  needs – necessidades de aprendizagem

educational bockground – formação educacional

to catch up with – para alcançar

to teach an old dog new tricks – ensinar novos truques a um cachorro velho



He refulsed to give the interview on that television program.

Adult illiteracy is a big concem among educators.

The teacher used part of a war film in the history class.

Students read several magazine articles for the test.

This school regulations in the student handbook.

The admissions office is interviewing candidates for scholarships.

He met his girlfriend back in college.

The students were in front of the ticket office waiting for a guide.

Our geography teacher has always motivated us.

Ask your friend  

1.How long she has been working on her science project (for a month)

2.How long he has been watching this television show (for about half an hour)

3. how long she has been reading that fiction novel (since last month)

4. How long he has been going to that English course (since last August)

5. How long he she been watching that talk show (Every week for the last year)

6.  How long he has been working at the downtown office (for a month) 

7. How long she has been reading the newspaper. (For just a couple of minutes)





Lesson 14


To influence, influenced -- influenciar

To eam, eaned –

To create, created -- criar


inspiring – inspirador

extraordinary – extraordinário

capable – capaz

creative – criativo

assessment – avaliação

valuable – valor

influence – influência

task – tarefa

awareness – conhecimento

learning  process – processo de aprendizagem

confidence – confiança

development – desenvolvimento

patronizing – condescendente


higher education – ensino superior

to be into (something) – estar em

to fall behind – ficar para trás

junior college – faculdade júnior



They might benefit from a good counselor.

They may be denied another chance to do it again.

He ought to be praised for his great work.

This issue should be discussed with the parents.

Students should be advised on how to use it first.

I believe students will be challenged by this activity.



Her visa was denied. (Could )

Her visa could be denied.

1.      She was informed about the change. (could )

2.      He was told the truth. (Should)

3.      He is removed from the hospital. (must)

4.      Cars are bought online. (can)

5.      The projects are finished. (Will)

6.      That new movie is rated G. (could)

7.      The meeting was postponed. (Should)

8.      She is praised for her work. (Should)


Lesson 15


To recognize, recognized -- reconhecer

To praise, praised – louvar

To explore, explored -- explorar


counselor – conselheiro

course outline – esboço do curso

intellect – intelecto

preparation – preparation

focus – foco

dedication – dedicação

tuition – mensalidade

registration – registro

essay – ensaio

orientation – orientação

perspective – perspectiva

self – learmer -- autodidata

theory -- teoria



to get through to (someone) -- para chegar até (alguém)

to drop out – abandonar

SAT – schlastic assessment test – SAT – teste de avaliação escolar

Full inclusion – Inclusão total

TOEIC – test of English for international comm -- TOEIC – teste de inglês para comunicação internacional

Unication -- Unicação

TOEIL  -- test of English as a foreign language-- TOEIL — teste de inglês como língua estrangeira



She might have been offered a better job.

He must have been given this grade for his dedication.

This class should have been prepared more carefully by the teacher.

They would have been praised if the paper was good

They ougt to have been advised before the classes started.

She can´t have dropped out.

He couldn´t have been more uninformed.

She may have been given another chance to take the test.

They have been given all the necessary information.

Have the test already been corrected?


Pronunciation and intonation

1.      Her voice was so low that I could barely hear her.

2.      How long has it been since she started studying Law?

3.      We saw them together at the mall yesterday.

4.      She tried  it so hard, but she didn´t make it.

5.      It must have cost him a fortune.

6.      He bought beautiful house on the west coast.

7.      Have you been invited to the ball?

8.      Don´t forget to put the dirty bowl in the sink.

9.      Make sure you bring a coat for the weekend.

10.  He was caught still in the scene.



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