To cry, cried – chorar
To wear, wore, worn – vestir
To spell, spelled, spelt,
– soletrar, como se escreve? (Duas formas de conjugar no pretérito perfeito)
To access, accessed – acessar
Violin – violino
Burguer – hanbúrgue
Pasta – massa, macarrão
Email no plural emails –
Chocolate - chocolate
Bubble gum – chiclete
Mall – loja
Mom – mamãe
Dot – ponto
Dad - papai
Freeway -- rodovia
Rainbow – arco ires
Ground – chão
Chocolate milk – chocolate com leite.
Sibling – irmão, irmã
Bowl – tigela
Math – matemática
Geography - geografia
History – história
Science – ciência
Worldwide – mundial
Site – local
Hotel – hotel
Hall – salão
producer – produtora
delay – demora
helmet – capacete
Money order – ordem de pagamento
convenience store – loja de conveniências.
So long – até logo
Very much – muito
Toothpick – palito de dente
Toothpick holder – paliteiro
Thanksgiving – ação de graças
French fries – batatas fritas
Grocery store – mercearia
To take a nap – tirar um cochilo
To be cool – ficar calmo
Story - estória (de contos)
Checkbook – talão de cheques
But me – exeto a mim
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
1. Have you
played the lottery?
2. Do you
sometimes get angry when things are not done quickly?
3. How much
is minimum wage nowadays?
4. Can you
give me the name of three currencies used in other countries?
5. Do you
usually tell people about your future plans?
6. When were
you born?
7. What were
you doing at this time yesterday?
8. Do you
consider yourself a disciplined person?
9. Why some
people care so much about other people´s lives?
10. Do you
wish you had been born in another country?
1. I think
she plays the lottery.
2. I think
he is a very responsible person.
3. They
always go to art galleries.
4. I think
the prices are very good.
5. Customers
give very good tips.
6. He goes
for a walk every morning.
7. She
studies a lot.
8. He works
for a multinational company.
9. They go
out all the time.
10. He plays
for the college team.
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
To camp, camped– acampar
To rest, rested – descansar,restar
To carry, carried – carregar
To turn, turned – virar
Keyboard – teclado
iced – gelado
playground – parquinho
Roommate – colega de quarto
Greek – grego
Length – comprimento
Common – comum
Fame – fama
Pork – carne de porco
Subwaym – metro
Potato – batata
Baked – assado
Grilled – grelhado
Cooked – cozido
Roll – pãozinho
Oatmeal – aveia
Sweetener – adoçante
Long – longo
Drums – bateria
Clock – relógio da estante
Hacker – hacker
Attacjment – anexo
excellent – excelente
punctual – pontual
fantasy – fantasia
character – personagem
apprentice – aprendiz
Living roon – sala de estar
Dining roon – sala de jantar
Housework – faxina
To do the laundry – lavar roupas
To do the dishes – lavar louças
Cereal bar- barra de cereal
To take a shower – tomar banho
pensil case – estojo de lápis
lead pênsil – lapiseira
Contact list – lista de contatos
Daytime – luz do dia
To chat to – bater papo com
Outlet store – loja de descontos
To burn a cd – gravar em cd
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
1. They are
going with us.
2. She´s
going to buy a new kind size bed.
3. He´s
going to try to get a scholarship.
4. They are
going to stay at a hotel.
5. She´s
going to book a bigger room.
6. They are
going to travel this week.
7. He´s
going to talk to us.
8. They´re
going to wait for him.
9. He´s
going to buy a round trip ticked.
10. They party
is going to be here.
1. Is it
part of our culture to give tip to the waiter?
2. What
games did you use to play when you were a child?
3. What
sports did you use to play when you were a teenager?
4. What
bands or sings did you listen when you were a child?
5. Would you
rather have Chinese, Japanese or Mexican food?
6. Is it
hard to pass a driving test?
7. Have you
ever lost your Keys?
8. How many
Keys do you usually carry with you?
9. Can you
tell me something interesting you ´ve done recently?
10. Can you
tell me something funny that happened to you recently?
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
To delete, deleted – deletar
To copy, copied – copiar
To paste, pasted – colar
To correct, corrected – corrigir
Wise – sábio
Bottle – garrafa
Own – próprio owner – proprietário
Fireplace – lareira
Complicated – complicado
Awesome – impressionante
Sense – sentido, senso
Veterinarian –veterinário
Uniform – uniforme
Shower – chuveiro
Spain – espanha
Finally – finalmente
Fog – neblina
Cloud –nuvem
sunny –ensolarado
cloudy – nublado
singer – cantor
choir – coral
heavy – pesado
light –leve
Firewall – anti viros
Security – segurança
rental – aluguel
respect – respeito
effort – esforço
persimmom - caqui
star frut. – carambola
fig – figo
To set the table - pôr a mesa, arrumar a mesa
Over the internet – pela internete
Underline a word – sublinhar uma palavra
Maiden name – nome de solteiro
immigration control – controle de imigração
immigration officer –
oficial de imigração
In the meatime – enquanto isso
Main street – rua principal
To turn out – tornar-se
I hope not – espero que não
I hope so – espero que sim
Shall we go?— nós vamos ir?
Shal we dance? – nós
vamos dançar?
Shal we do it?
vamos fazer isso?
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
1. Who wrote
the Harry Potter books?
2. How many
Harry Potter books are there?
3. How many
Harry Potter movies are there?
4. How many
Harry Potter movies have you see?
5. Who wrote
the star wars saga?
6. What
famous books has Willian Shakespeare written?
7. Who are
the most well - known writers in our country?
8. How many
planets are there in the solar system?
9. What is
the smallest planet in the solar system?
10. What is
the largest planet in the solar system?
11. What is
the nearest planet to Earth?
12. Who was
the first man to walk on the moon?
1. Why are
people usually afraid to speak in public?
2. Have you
ever spoken in public?
3. Are you
used to speaking in public?
4. Are you
used to speaking English every day?
5. Do you
usually ask for a discount when you go shopping?
6. Do you
usually wear casual or fancy outfits?
7. What
department store do you like to shop at?
8. Do you
try on lots of clothes before choosing something?
9. Do you
have a good memory?
10. What can
be done to improved one´s memory?
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
To forward, forwarded – encaminhar.
To sound, sounded– parecer, soar
To honor, honored – honrar
To display, displayed
– mostrar
collar – colarinho, gola
vanilla – baunilha, creme
switzerland – suíça
Sweden – suêcia
Printer – impressora
Youth – juventude
Teenager –
Adolescent – adolescente
Cracker – biscoito salgado
Road – estrada
Boring – chato
Stubborn – teimoso
Patient – paciente
Impatient – impaciente
Atma – caixa eletrônico
Flat - apartamento
Cooler – isopor
Yacht – iate
Novel – romance
Pain – dor
System – sistema
Shortcut – atalho
passion fruit – maracujá
sort – ordenar
administrative – administrativo
Manicurist – manicuri
Pedicurist – pedicuri
Catered food – serviço de buffet
Cadle light – á luz de vela
My googdness – minha nossa
Junk mail – lixo eletrônico
customs declaration – declaração alfandegária
customs officer – oficial da alfândeg
Despite – apesar de, a despeito de
To turn out – tornar –se
Car crash – batida de carro
Anyway – de qualquer modo (jeito)
Prom – baile de formatura
Senior prom – último baile
First aid – primeiros socorros
To be honest – para ser honesto.
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
1. What
famous pieces of art can you find at the Louvre Museum?
2. Who
painted the Mona Lisa?
3. Who
painted the Sistine Chapel?
4. Who
painted the Last Supper?
5. Who was
the first president of the United States?
6. Who was
the first president our country?
7. When is
the Independence of the United States celebrated?
8. When is
the Independence our country celebrated?
9. Who
signed the United
States ‘Declaration of Independence?
10. Who signed
our country´s Declaration of Independence?
11. What are
3 famous universities in the United States?
12. Which
state is university’s Columbia located in?
1. I changed
my password.
2. They won
the championship.
3. We saw
this movie.
4. She went
to China.
5. It was
6. He
finished that Project.
7. She
talked about it.
8. He just
9. He
attended college overseas.
10. It cost
him a fortune.
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
to match, matched – combinar
to show, showed -
to develop, developed – desenvolver
to produce, produced – produzir
To gradue, graduated – formar, graduar
tourist visa – visto para turista
late on – mais tarde
to show up – aparecer
Doubt – dúvida
Appointment – compromisso
Terrible – terrível
Bride – noiva
Wealth – riqueza
Sixpence – moeda
Tokens – símbolos
Basically – basicamente
Ball – baile
Upon – sobre
Personal- pessoal
Supply – suplemento
Therefore – portanto
Current – atual, corrente
Currently – atualmente.
Ordinary – comum, ordinário, medíocre
Happiness – felicidade
Jet – jato
Known – conhecido
agency – agencia
agente – agente
cruise – cruzeiro
yacht – iate
itinerary – itinerário
Premiere night – noite de estreia
Stage performer - artista de palco
that cold – frio assim
that – expensive – caro assim
that far – longe assim
keep in mind - tenha em mente
God´s own son – o próprio filho de deus
up to now – até agora
by the window – pela janela
to come over – vir para cá
for here or to go? – por aqui ou segue em frente?
under the name of – em nome de
wake up call – serviço de despertar
fasten your seat belt – apertar o sinto
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
1. They just
saw him today.
2. They baby
jus fell.
3. He just
wrote an article.
4. She just
gave them an exam.
5. They just
took her out.
6. He just
went to work.
7. She was
just hired.
8. The
employees just got a raise.
9. He just
did his homework.
10. She just
went to bed.
1. Can you
name 10 American states?
2. What is
the largest state in the United States?
3. What is
the largest state in our country?
4. Can you
name 5 American states and their capitals?
5. Can you
name 5 countries in Europe and their capitals?
6. What´s
the longest river in the United States?
7. What´s
the longest river in our country?
8. What´s
the longest river in the world?
9. What´s
the largest continent in the world?
10. What´s the
largest ocean in the world?
11. What´s the
highest mountain in the world?
What´s the
biggest desert in the world?
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
to remove, removed – remover
to seek, sought– buscar, procurar
to win, won, won – ganhar, vencer
to wax, waxed – encerrar
Detective – detetive
Lad – rapaz, garoto.
Lord – senhor
Mild – suave
Savior – salvador
Sin – pecado
Exam – exame
Examination – examinar
Lottery – loteria
Generation – geração
Interview – entrevista
interviewer– entrevistador
button – butão
Accommodation – acomodações, alojamento
Partnership – parceria
Luggage – bagagem
Guest – convidado
Locker – armário
Hostel – albergue
Inn – pousada
embassy – embaixada
crew – tripulação, turma, grupo
staff – funcionário
budget – despesas
suitable – adequado, apropriado
preference – preferencia
opportunity – oportunidade
baggage claim – local de reclamação de bagagem
to hitchhicke - pegar carona
departmente store - loja do departamento
to pay by cred card – pagar com cartão de credito
according – de acordo
good at – bom em
to get mixed up – misturar se
to be through – passar através de
answering machine – secretária eletrônica
area code – código de área
country area - área do país
calling card – cartão tele fônico
pick up truck – caminhonete
full coverage – cobertura total
CEO – diretor, presidente
make – up – maquiagem
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
1. I saw
this player.
2. I forgot
what they said.
3. We heard
this story.
4. He met
the new boss.
5. I worked
6. She got a
7. He drove
a Ferrari.
8. We went
on a cruise.
9. She got a
student visa.
10. He joined
the marines.
1. What
types of materials can be recycled?
2. Which
colors commonly represent each recycled material?
3. What are
the 3 best universities in our country?
4. Where is
the Taj Mahal Localed?
5. When was
the Taj Mahal built?
Why was
the Tal Mahal built?
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
To hide,
hid, hidden – fazer trilha (trilhar)
To back,
backed – afastar – se
contribute, contributed – contribuir
plaid –
expert –
audience –
audiência, público
parcel –
fee – taxa
contract –
– meio ambiente, meio
diabetes –
later –
complaint –
queixa, reclamação
Tangled –
Recipe –
Calorie –
Cell phone –
consulate –
Exactly –
decade -
lobster –
shrimp –
Leaf – folha
Gem – pedras
Holy –
Joy –
to get one´s
hair straightened – alizar o cabelo de alguém
brush up –
to color
your rair – colorir o cabelo
suddenly –
de repente
Out of – sem
Gown –
vestido longo
star plaque
– placa em forma de estrela
More over –
além disso
It doesn´t
matter – não se importa
Who cares? –
quem se importa?
following – o seguinte
Stock marked
– bolça de valores.
compartment – compartimento de bagagem
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
ASk your
1. What he does to help the environment.
2. If she considers her self an
impatient person.
3. What he does to stay fit.
4. If she has ever done any volunteer
5. He thinks that one day there wont´t
be newspapers anymore.
6. To tell you what the nicest places to
visit in our country are.
7. What she thinks about organ donation.
8. If he has ever donated blood.
9. If she has ever considered having
plastic surgery.
10. If he would ever name his child after
a favorite movie character.
ASk your friend
1. What she does to practice her
2. If he has ever eaten passion fruit.
3. If she has ever been on cruice.
4. If he has alread studied for the next
review lesson.
5. If she has ever regretted a decision.
6. If he has ever been stopped by a
policeman while driving.
7. If she is an early Bird or a night
8. What he thinks about organic food.
9. If she thinks the use of cell phones
can cause cancer.
10. If he intends to retired one day.
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
By email -- via
“a” de forma como foi entregue
By (Vir de)
plane, car, bus, etc
By – mais
algumas noticias
By email – por email
By text – por texto
By = close, near – perto de
By and with
I learn English by you tube videos ( eu aprendo inglês
atraves dos videos do you tube)
I learn English with you tube videos. (eu aprendo inglês com os vídeos do
you tube , esta frase está errada e serve como exemplo de como não devemos
escrever ou falar.)
I write with
pen (Eu escrevo com caneta)
I write by
pen (eu escrevo de caneta)
I keep healthy
by execising (eu guardo ,preserve minha saúde fazendo exercícios, forma,
maneira –by)
O.B.S: Com
“by” vebos ficam com ing no final.
On (andar de) plane, car, bus, etc
On – sobre
um objeto – on the table.
In – dentro
de algo – in the box (out sede)
At- estar em
um local especifico – I ´m at home (estou na minha casa , e não em outro lugar,
é especifico)
On – Sunday, Monday, Saturday, Easter, birthday, week
datas de feriados.
In – in years, in months, in weeks
Use a or an before singular nouns.
Use an before words beginning with vowels
(a, e, i, o,u).
For example, say:
an axe an igloo
an egg an orange
an envelope an umbrella
an ice cream an uncle
4 But some words don’t follow this rule. For example,
use a (not an) before these words that begin with u:
a uniform a university
4 Use a before words beginning with the other
letters of the alphabet, called consonants.
For example, say:
a basket a rainbow
a bowl a monster
a car a pillow
a hill a watch
a house a zoo
4 But some words don’t follow this rule. For example,
use an (not a) before these words that begin with h:
an heir
an honor
an hour
demonstrativos (não tem gênero no inglês)
this – esse
(perto do falante) these – estes
those –
that – que,
esse, este, aquele (Dinâmico como o “get” do inglês)
Who e whom
são basicamente a mesma coisa.
terminar em –ful or -less. E são opostos
– careless(descuidado) useful(útil) – useless(inútil)
adjectivesend in ing
A caring
nurse (uma enfermeira atenciosa)
an interesting
book (um livro interessante)
loving parents (pais amorosos)
matching clothes (roupas combinando)
a smiling face (rosto sorridente)
Some adjectives end in -ly.
Acostly diamond
ring (um anel de diamante caro)
an elderly woman (uma mulher idosa)
lively kittens
(gatinhos animados)
a lonely boy
(um garoto solitário)
A lovely
girl (uma amavel menina)
A weekly
magazine (uma revista semanal)
do inglês
dark –escuro
darker –
mais escuro
darkest –
escuridão ou muito mais escuro ainda.
Clean, cleaner, cleanest
Easy, easier, easiest.
Active -
ativo, more active– mais ativo, the most active – o mais ativo
Charming -- charme, more charming – mais charmoso, the
most charming – o mais charmoso.
Good – bom,
better – melhor, the best – o melhor
Many, more, most.
Much, more, most.
Contração do verbo have
I have- I´ve
You have – you´ve
he has – he ´s (parecido com he is- he´s não confundir
she has – she´s
With verbs that end in -y, change the y to i before
adding -ed. For example:
bury + ed = buried fry + ed = fried
carry + ed = carried hurry + ed = hurried
cry + ed = cried try + ed = tried
will = shall
Usa-se shall
somente com I e We nunca com outros pronomes.
I shall be eight years old next year.
We shall play a game of chess after lunch.
You will be sick if you eat too much.
Contração de
will e de shall
Will = I´ll
Shall = I´ll
I will not – I won´t
I shall not – I shan´t.
I´ d – Should
Shouldn´t – Should not
Usa –se “do”
I do dishes
– eu lavo a louça
He did cook
– ele cozinhou
I don´t cook
-- eu não cozinho
Would x wanna x gonna
I´m going to have = I gonna to have to …
Gonna = going to - vou
Would = wanna
I would like – I wanna like
An adverb is a word that describes a verb. It tells
about an action, or the way something is done.
A lot of adverbs end in -ly.
The dog and the cat live together peacefully
The soldiers fought bravely.
The old man walked slowly.
Please write legibly.
Please speak clearly.
Adjective Adverb
beautiful- beautifully
brave- bravely
bright- brightly
fierce- fiercely
happy- happily
heavy- heavily
loud- loudly
peaceful- peacefully
slow- slowly
sound- soundly
sweet- sweetly
I stopped to smoke – eu parei, e fumei
I stopped smoking – eu parei de fumar
She made the most chocolate cake, I´v ever eaten. (Ela fez o mais delicioso bolo de
chocolate, eu nunca comi nada igual)
Best dayever
–o melhor dia da minha vida.
Don´t ever =
never .
Ever so delicious
– isso é muito delicioso (ever intensifica)
I never ever done this. – nunca fiz isso (never + ever
intencificasso o never) .
Gota –get +
to – so usado no singular nunca no plural
If I were you,
I´d go to San Francisco. – Sempre se usa I were com if quando se coloca numa
condição de outra pessoa, exemplo
If I were you
(este exemplo está correto)…
I´m not sure...
eu não tenho certeza
I´m pretty sure...
eu tenho quase certeza
I ´m almost positive.....
eu tenho muita certeza
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