to keep,
kept, kept -guardar
to agreed,
agreed - acordado
to report, reported –reportar
to disagree, disagreed – desacordo
to report, reported –reportar
to disagree, disagreed – desacordo
Handsome – bonito
Gorgeous – linda
Ugly – feio
Polite – educado
Impolite – indelicado
- gentil
Rude – grosseiro
Agreement – acordo
Patience – paciência
Impatience –
Famous – famoso
Degree – Grau
competent - competente
incompetent - incopetente
goal - objetivo
wealthy - rico
profession - profissão
credentials - credenciais
reporter - repórter
weakness - fraqueza
Musician – musico
Association – Associação
To get angry
– ficar bravo
to get tired
- ficar cansado
to get sick
– fica doente
well – known
- bem conhecido
to stay fit - ficar em forma
to gain weight – engordar, ganhar peso
good – looking - boa aparência
to stay fit - ficar em forma
to gain weight – engordar, ganhar peso
good – looking - boa aparência
Where have
you been?
They´ve been
to the beach twice this summer.
Where has
she gone?
I´ve been
all over the country.
We haven´t
been to their house for many months.
He has gone
to New York.
Describe the
AVE – avenue
boulevard (bulevar)
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
lesson two
1. She worked here four years.
2. They didn´t know she has worked here
for four years.
3. They attended college for five years.
4. The meeting lasted a long time.
5. He taught Chinese two years.
6. They waited for months.
7. He studied with her for tree years
8. She lived in this house a years.
9. They were together for ten year.
10. He had the car a year.
11. She is on vacation to weeks.
1. When do people usually retired?
2. When do you intend to retire?
3. How long does it take to fly from
here to Orlando?
4. How long does it take to get from here to your
5. Can you tell me three good qualities
you have.
6. Can you tell me one weakness you
7. What is something that you do very
8. How many states have you been to in
our country?
9. How many states have you been to in
the United States?
10. How many diferente countries have you
been to know?
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Lesson three
to realize,
realized – realizar
to repeat,
reapeted– repetir
to overcome, overcome – vencer, conquistar, abater
to identify, identified – identificar
to overcome, overcome – vencer, conquistar, abater
to identify, identified – identificar
north –
south – sul
east – leste
west – oeste
compass –
repetition –
final –
– identificação
winner –
vencedor, ganhador
financial –
financeiro (a)
– internacional
education - educação
position – posição
leader - lider
leadership – liderança, comando
partner – parceiro, socio
partnership – parceria, sociedade
hike – caminhada, subida
sightseeing - turismo (visitar sozinho)
ride - andar
mountain – montanha, monte
tour – turnê, excursão
because of –
por causa de
ID card –
carteira de indentidade
anyway – de
qualquer jeito
as a result – como resultado
well paid - bem pago
as a result – como resultado
well paid - bem pago
They´ve been
busy with their newborn baby.
Why have you
been so stressed out?
Why has he
been so stubborn?
He has been very patient with this
Their service has been very slow
The kids have been a little sick.
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
1. When
was the last World Cup?
2. Where
was the last time World cup?
3. When
will the next World Cup?
4. Where
will the next World Cup be?
5. How
many times has Brasil won the World Cup?
6. How
many times has Italy won the World Cup?
7. When
were the last Olympic Games?
8. Where
were the last Olympic Games?
9. When
will the next Olympic Games?
10. Where
will the next Olympic Games?
11. How
many rings are there in the Olympic Games symbol?
12. What
are the colors of the Olympic Games symbol?
1. He rides a bike to work.
2. She is punctual person.
3. He often speaks in plublic.
4. They speak in English to each other all
the time.
5. She manages multiple things at the seme
6. He finishes his tasks pretty fast.
7. She drives in the snow.
8. She wears clothes appropriately to make business.
9. She works with little kids.
10. He lives alone.
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
to scream,
screamed – berrar, bradar
to remain,
remained – sobrar, restar
to describe, described - descrever
to control, controlled - controlar
to describe, described - descrever
to control, controlled - controlar
Scene – cena
Scenery -
Calm - calma
Scream - grito, berro
Member –
membro, sócio
Psychology -
- psicólogo
characteristic - característica
landscape - paisagem
sunset – pôr do sol
forest - floresta
skiing - esqui
net - rede
speak softly
– cochichar, de vagar
speak loudly
– falar alto
calm down –
acalmar se
anything alse - algo mais
scream out – gritar alto
to be in control – estar no controle
anything alse - algo mais
scream out – gritar alto
to be in control – estar no controle
How long has
it been since he was fired?
It´s been a
month since they got engaged.
It has been
five years since he taught my kids.
It´s been a
week since they went on strike.
It´s been a
long time since I were these pants
It´s been a
few days since he was accepted my resume.
Describe the
Atm –
Automated teller machine
10k – Tem Thousand
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
1. He is a great student.
2. It´s an awesome experience.
3. It´s hard work.
4. They are very polite.
5. They are impatient.
6. She is naught.
7. He is stubborn.
8. They are bored.
9. He is calm.
10. She is sick.
1. What are the most famous American
2. Do you kmow what the Super Bowl is?
3. When is the Super Bowl played?
4. Who is the fastest swimmer in the
5. How long does a soccer game last?
6. How long does a football game last?
7. How long does a basketball game last?
8. Which countries play rugby?
9. Who is the most famous basketball
player in American?
10. Who is the number one player in the
NBA right now?
11. Who is the most famous baseball
player in America?
12. What are the 5 senses in the human
13. Can you name the Seven Wonders of the
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
Lesson seven
to throw, threw, thrown – arremessar, jogar
to row, rowed – remar, alinhar
to examine, examined – examinar, investigar
to test, tested - testar
to examine, examined – examinar, investigar
to test, tested - testar
area - área
sleepy - sonolento,
com sono
asleep - adormecido
nap – cochilo, soneca
guy - cara (o cara)
grass – erva, capim
fisherman - pescador
oar -- remo
rowboat – barco a remo-
lake - lago
material - material
metal- metal
kitten - gatinho
puppy - cachorrinho
parrot - papagaio
fierce – feroz
tame - domesticado
vicious – cruel, perverso, vicio
stray - disperso
fuzzy - difuso
wrapped - embrulho
trash – lixo, sujeira
metal- metal
kitten - gatinho
puppy - cachorrinho
parrot - papagaio
fierce – feroz
tame - domesticado
vicious – cruel, perverso, vicio
stray - disperso
fuzzy - difuso
wrapped - embrulho
trash – lixo, sujeira
sitting - sessão
standing up – ficar em pé, ereto
sit down - sentar
to throw a party – dar uma festa
to throw out - jogar fora
made of - feito de
to be logged off - estar desconectado
to be logged on – estar conectado
to throw out - jogar fora
made of - feito de
to be logged off - estar desconectado
to be logged on – estar conectado
Have the exercises been corrected?
They´ve been sent to work abroad.
A raise has been promised to all employees.
Why has this product been removed from stores?
She has been deceived by the salesman.
I´ve been hired by a multinational company.
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
1. Do you know your driver´s license
number by heart?
2. Do you know your cell number by
3. Have you ever gone hiking?
4. Have you ever hitchhiked?
5. What stressed people out?
6. Have been stressed out lately?
7. What do you do to relieve stress?
8. Whay are some people never stressed
9. Do you know anyone that is never
stressed out?
10. How long has it been since your last
1. He developed the
new system.
2. She reminded me
about the meeting.
3. They are from
4. He is very
5. She bought a new
6. They are
7. He gave her a job
8. She takes care of
my son.
9. He told me this
10. They live in London.
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
to park, parked - estacionar -
To deduct, deducted – deduzir -
to commemorate, commemorated - comemorar
to beat, beat, beaten – bater,batida,ritmo
to commemorate, commemorated - comemorar
to beat, beat, beaten – bater,batida,ritmo
Tough – duro, resistente
Through - através de
Thorough - minuncioso
Throughout - durante
deduction - dedução-
contribution - contribuição
separation - separação
hometown – cidade natal
innocent - inocente
jerk - babaca, empurão
bigotry – intolerância, fanatismo
segregation – segregação, separação
racism - racismo
equality – igualdade, equidade
exclusion - exclusão
crowd - mutidão
crowded - povoado
transportation - transporte
developed - desenvolvido
bigotry – intolerância, fanatismo
segregation – segregação, separação
racism - racismo
equality – igualdade, equidade
exclusion - exclusão
crowd - mutidão
crowded - povoado
transportation - transporte
developed - desenvolvido
From now on – de aqui em diante
Beats me – não sei
Beat it - dar o fora!
Se manda daqui!
to run for – sair a procura
to run over – atropelar, passar por sima
Nightlife – vida noturna
to run for – sair a procura
to run over – atropelar, passar por sima
Nightlife – vida noturna
Why was he being so stubborn?
They´re being great helpers.
The children are being too quiet.
He´s being very rute to her.
These kids are being wild.
She is being a good woman for with you.
He isn´t being very patient.
escutar o áudio acompanhando o texto acima
1. He has corrected the homework.
The homework has been corrected by him.
2. She has made a delicious dinner.
3. He has explaind the Project.
4. They have run the company.
5. The doctor has examined a raise.
6. The diretor has promised a raise.
7. She has deducted the taxes.
8. He has parked the car.
9. She has over a squirrel.
10. They have chosen that restaurant.
1. Can I borrow your
pen, pleased?
2. Do you change your
mind easily?
3. What do you think
about people who change their minds all the time.
4. Are you acquainted
with the school owner?
5. Are you a good joke
6. Why do most women
go crazy when thing are on sale?
7. What would you do
if you had the day off tomorrow?
8. Are fruits and
vegetables part of your daily diet?
9. What can people do
to stay in shape?
10. What can people do
to have a healthy and balanced died?
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