Angels in Action II The Diamond Hall


Angels in Action II
The Diamond Hall

Part 1
The promotion

(Plan adapter Irene, walking the streets of Fortica)

My name is Irene Caras, I'm a plan adapter. What I do is adapt people to the Fortica plan, that is, if you or someone you know dies and comes to stop at Fortica's plan, you will have the help of Irene or other  Plan adapters. when you die come here with your pains and guilts I and the other adapters take it from you. Make people like you have an eternity of peace, that is, be naked before God, with pure thoughts, without shame or fear. Yes, your thoughts will be shared with everyone here in Fortica, and my job is to make that happens. That's what I do and that's my job. But it is not always easy, it does not always work. Sometimes you do not adapt to this plan, for you are afraid that the other spirits of this plan will discover your hidden thoughts, which most of the time are small sins that you have committed in your lifetime, sins of which, to be here in Fortica, you have already been forgiven, but you have not yet realized it. Sometimes you do not adapt to this plan, for you are afraid that the other spirits of this plan will discover your hidden thoughts, which most of the time are small sins that you have committed in your lifetime, sins of which,  to be here in Fortica, you have already been forgiven, but you don´t note it yet.
 Then you become paranoid because you are not naked before the Lord, and most of the time you are afraid that the other spirits of this plan will discover it. Your little sins, and there comes Irene to make you speak what they are, so you can forgive and not be yourself ashamed of themselves, and find peace standing naked before God with absolute tranquility and serenity. For some, being naked before God with tranquility takes little time, and this goal is reached quickly, for others it takes more time. But there are also those who can´t, they become aggressive and extremely antisocial, putting at risk the tranquility of Fortica. For these there is the diamond hall as the last resort. If they can´t fit into the diamond room, then they will be sent to the low plans. It may seem cruel, but in general the worst hell for these people is to remain here in Fortica, hiding their thoughts from other spirits, so low planes are less painful. I was promoted, I stopped to work how a simple adapter of plans I go to work now in the diamond hall. It's not any plan adapter that manages to work in the diamond room, you have to be very good at what you do to work here, and today is my first day of work. (Irene arriving in the diamond hall)

Part 2
The manager
(Irene entering the diamond hall)

They had told me that the diamond room was great, but I did not know it was that big! The myths that I heard about this place were really true, that is, they are not myths. I had heard that the diamond hall was all mirrored, and shaped like a giant diamond. And it really is true! (Irene walking through one of the many salons of the Diamond Hall)

-- Hi! My name is Irene, I'm the new plan adapter. I'd like to speak to the manager. (Irene)

-- Last door at the end of the hall on the left. (Secretary)

-- Thanks. (Irene going to toward the door, crossing a huge  aisle with many doors to it)

-- I arrived! The door looks closed, I think better I will knock. (Irene knocking on the door)

-- You can come in, the door is open! (Manager Anderson, tall, black man in black uniform and a blue band painted on his left side)

-- Hello! My name is Irene and I ... (Irene being interrupted)

-- I know who you are, young lady! I was waiting for you. Sit down there. (Anderson Manager)

-- Excuse. (Irene sitting on a chair that sits in front of the manager's desk)

-- The uniform. (Anderson Manager)

-- Ah yes! Of course. (Irene shifting her white changing plan adapter uniform to a uniform the same as the manager's with her thinking)

-- Well, Irene, my name is Andersom, I'm going to be your manager here in the Diamond Room. I do not know if they told you how we worked here but ... it's quite different from what you were doing as normally how plan adapter . Here, young lady, you are going to try to help the spirits that have not adapted conventionally to the Fortica plan city, and this is not easy, as you will often have to send them to the lower planes, and this is complicated if you have some affection with some or some patients here, young lady! You need to put your emotions aside and be impartial, and I assure that you will get through many things! You will have both unpleasant and shocking experiences in this place, and I assure this! I can give you an idea of what I'm talking about, some people say there was a plan adapter  here in the diamond saloon that ceased to be adapter to become patient. It's not easy! Your life will change a lot! I would say for the worse! I know that working in the diamond salon is seen as a sign of status among the adapters as it is the next step to a higher position, but this has a price. Well, young lady, if you want to take the risk of having an unpleasant  vision of paradise then join us, or you can turn and go away! Was I clear? (Andersom Manager)

-- Yes sir. (Irene)

-- I heard about Gabriel's suicide case. I was told that you worked very well on this case, besides your file is good, I liked it. (Andersom Manager)

-- Thank you, sir! I'll do my best. (Irene)

-- I'm sure so, adapter Irene! I'll put you together with the Jamiel adapter, he'll explain your work in this place, for now he'll be your superior. Any questions, Adapter Irene? (Anderson Manager)

-- No sir. (Irene)

-- Jamiel is waiting for you outside this office, he's already aware of you." (Andersom Manager)

-- Yes sir! (Irene)

-- So good work, Adapter Irene!" (Andersom Manager)

-- Thank you sir! (Irene)

-- Ah! Good luck! I think you'll need. (Manager Andersom)

-- Thank you, sir! (Irene leaving the room)

-- Poor girl, she does not know what wait for her ra ra ra ra ... (Manager Andersom thinking and laughing)

(On the outside of the manager's office)

-- Hi! I'm Jamiel! (Jamiel, 1.65 in height, bald, brown eyes and with uniform)

-- Yeah, I know. (Irene coming out and closing the door to the manager's office)

-- Then come with me, I'll take you of the aisle to the cages. (Jamiel)

-- Cages? (Irene)

Part 3

Here are the cages! Each cage has a patient, each cage is made of a special glass that prevents patients from transposing the glasses. Tugueder cages are the levers. hese levers should be pulled to the left when you decide that some patient has no more recovery, do you understand? (Jamiel, passing with Irene through a labyrinth full of glass cells, and with patients inside)

-- Jamiel! Who is this "bitch" that is with you? (A screaming patient inside the cage)

-- When I pull the lever will sent the patient to the low planes? (Irene)

-- Fucking adapters! They will not send me to hell! Do not go! (Another patient inside another cage)

-- Right! It will open a black hole and they will be sent there automatically. (Jamiel)

-- Hey! Jamiel! Are you going to exchange  me for her? Go? (One Patient Inside Another Cage)

-- I understand ... (Irene)

-- What's it? You look scared! (Jamiel)

-- It's because of the welcome reception! It seems that everyone here loves me! (Irene)

-- Bitch, you're going to fuck off. (One patient inside another cage)

-- Is it good to be loved? (Jamiel)

-- IT IS! Only love builds! Did you know? (Irene)

-- Ra ...! IT IS! It seems so! (Jamiel laughing)

-- And where am I? I hope not inside the cell with them! Is not it? (Irene)

-- No, you stay outside, and you do not worry, they can only leave that cell when they are rehabilitated. (Jamiel)

-- With this news I made my day. (Irene)

-- Take me out of here! Please! I'm not dead! I am alive! (Another patient inside another cage)

-- Listen! Your first patient will be the defector. He stays in the next cell, I'll leave you alone with him for an hour and then I'll come back here, okay? (Jamiel)

-- It's a wonder! I'm going to feel so comfortable that he'll think I'm home. But say, why defector? (Irene)

-- You'll know when we will arrive in his cell. And by the way, this is his record. Good luck! (Jamiel)

Part 4
The defector

I'm in the cell of the defecator. I see human feces and urine for all sides of the cell, It is very strange coming from a spirit, for spirits can no urinate or defecate in their cells, neither in other places and they can´t do this for a reason very good: they're dead. According to his record, he eats feces and drinks urine. I believe he creates feces and urine with his hands, how any spirit creates an object with his hands. On his file also says that he is very aggressive. Wow! He shout and debates too much! (Irene thinking)

-- Stay away from me! Out! Out of here! (Defector in the cell, on his knees and as far from Irene as possible)

-- Calm! I just want to help you! (Irene)

- Go out adapter! I do not need your help! Out! (Defector, in the same position)

-- I just want to help! Only this! (Irene)

-- You can´t, her bastard! No anyone can! You do not understand! (Defective)

-- Calm! Let's take it easy! (Irene)

-- I was fucking calm! You made me nervous when it arrived! Fuck! (Defective)

-- What? Defecator! Why do I make you nervous? (Irene)

-- Do you know! Your plan adapters always know! (Defecate)

-- No, defecator! I really do not know! (Irene)

-- Of course you that you know! It must be in crazy record! (Defecate)

-- Defector, it's not here on my file! Open yourself to me, defecator! What's wrong with you? (Irene)

-- If you really want to know, then start calling me by my real name! (Defective)

-- And what is your real name, defecator? (Irene)

-- It's Roberto! Call me Roberto, for God's! (Defective)

-- All right, Roberto, I'll call you that. Now calm down and come and talk to me here. (Irene)

-- I can´t! (Defective)

-- Yes you can! Comes! (Irene watching the defecator getting up and going towards her)

-- I'm here. Do you want to eat something? (Defector offering a piece of human feces to Irene while he eats himself)

-- Damn it! (Irene angry)

-- What was a doctor?" Did not like my little snack? Ra, ra, ra ... (Defecator laughing)

-- It says here that you have finished your last days as a beggar." Is it true, Roberto? (Irene reading the defecator's file)

-- I'll just tell you if you taste a little piece of my lunch. (Defective)

-- Roberto! I'm not going to eat this! If that's the case and you do not want to talk to me, I pull that damn lever and it's all over! You got it? (Irene)

-- Why not? It's so yummy! Come straight from the tail! (Defective)

-- Did you understand? (Irene nervosa)

-- It's all right! It's all right! (Defective)

-- So, Roberto, did you spend your last days as a beggar? (Irene)

-- IT IS! But before that I was a factory worker. (Defective)

- Worker and father of family. Do you confirm? (Irene)

-- IT IS! Family father too. (Defective)

-- And why did you become a beggar?" (Irene)

-- Because? My wife and son left me! Only that! (Defective)

-- That's it? (Irene)

-- IT IS! (Defective)

-- No. I do not think that's all." (Irene)

-- It's fucking! What more do you want from me? (Defective)
-- Then why are you hiding your thoughts from me, Roberto?" What do not you want me to know? (Irene)

-- It's not of your fucking business! No one will read my thoughts. No one! (Defective)

-- Because? What has in your thoughts that I can´t know Roberto? (Irene)

-- It's not of your business! (Defective)

-- Roberto, I'll be honest with you, okay? (Irene)

-- Can you be. What's it? (Defective)

-- Would you like for your ex-wife and your son to come here and see this scene? (Irene)

--No! Please! You can´t do this with me! (Defective)

-- Then help yourself! Tell me what's going on! (Irene)

-- I can´t! Not now! It is still early! I don´t know you yet! (Defective)

-- That's right, but I want you to know one thing, hiding your thoughts from me and others is a real mental torture!" You must be exhausted, and this will increase. Believe me! And it will lead you to hell on your next nervous breakdown, do you understand? Sooner or later you will have to talk about what you are hiding in your thoughts for this to finish soon, and then you'll be able to go home to Fortica, to be a citizen of Fortica, and to live in peace with your spiritual eternity. Here it says that you were a good man in life, otherwise you would not be in Fortica, but in the down planes, believe me. Whatever it is that you are hiding is not as terrible as you think! Otherwise you would not be here in Fortica, but in the down planes. (Irene)

-- You may be right, but I do not want to talk now! I do not want! (Defective)

-- It's all right. But reflect a little, tomorrow I'll be here. Let's go slow, I promise! (Irene)

-- Hello! I came to get you, your next patient is waiting for you. (Jamiel)

-- Yes! I´m going! (Irene)

Part 5
The masochist

Jamiel left me with my next patient, he's known as a the masochist. He self-mutilates all the time, with a knife or other sharp objects, cutting off small pieces of his body like his fingers and ear. According to his record, he believes that doing so will be purified, that is, he will be free from his sins. His cell is full of blood on the floor and on the walls, but of course both the knife and the blood are creations of his imagination, for spirits do not bleed, and their severed body parts return to the place from which they were cut off. Since spirits with severed parts have the same back, in the record of him says that he is not aggressive, but I intend to test it. (Irene looking masochist's cell with full blood )

-- Hi, self-muffler! I'm your new adapter, my name is Irene. (Irene seeing the masochist sitting on the floor next masochist ‘cell, cutting a finger and filling the floor with blood)

-- Now watch what happens. (Masochist seeing his finger drag on the ground alone going toward his hand)

-- Masochist, what's your name? (Irene)

-- Saw? It's fantastic! The finger came back to me! (Happy masochist)

-- Masochist, what's your name? (Irene)

-- Now look at this! Ui!!! Jesus! Cleanse me! Purify me so that I become worthy of paradise. (Masochist punching his wrists with the knife and feeling pain)

"Please, just tell me your name!" (Irene seeing the masochist wrists closing and healing automatically, making him happy)

-- Look that! Ui!!! (masochist cutting his ear and feeling pain)

-- Damn it! (Irene seeing the blood of the self-muffler running down her neck)

-- She wants to go back! (Mutilator holding her ear severed with her right hand and watching her move by herself, trying to get back to her body)

-- It's ok! Do you want to purify yourself from what? (Irene with nauseous)

-- She came back! She came back! Thank you Jesus! (Happy  masochist)

-- Uh ...! (Irene vomiting)

-- Jesus will forgive me! I'm sure! (Masochist happy)

-- Get lost, vomit! Disappear! (Irene watching the vomit disappears from her lap with the force of thought)

-- Hi! How are you going? Any progress? (Jamiel coming early)

-- Let's go! I can´t stay here more time! (Irene getting up and leaving)

-- What about the lever? Will not you pull? Wait for me ...! Women! (Irene's unanswered Jamiel)

Part 6
The living dead

According to the fix of my next patient, he believes to be alive even though he is a spirit, he becomes aggressive when his ideas are contradicted. Here it says too ... Wow! This is amazing! That he has habits of a living person. My God! How could this be happening to someone who came to Fortica? (Irene, arriving in her next patient's cage)

-- When I get to his cage, she's extremely clean. But it has strange accessories, like a toilet and a tray with a rest of food. What a spirit´s do with food or a toilet? Well, I'll find out. Now he's coming to talk to me. (Irene in front of the cage)

-- Hi! How long do you intend to continue with this madness? (Dead alive, approaching Irene, but she is out of the cage)

-- Wow, you must be very communicative! The last one ignored me, I hate it when somebody ignore me. (Irene)

-- Did you catch my question, young lady?" I want answers! Is it a kidnapping? The problem is money? I do not have money, you are confusing me with other person! Should be it? Or is not it? (Living dead nervous)

-- Calm! Let's slow down! Explain what is
happening from the beginning. (Irene)

-- Explain? Are You what? Crazy? You with this ridiculous uniform come here asking me for explanations! But you have to give me explanations here, and not me! (Dead alive)

-- It's been a difficult day today! The other did not say anything, and this other talks too much! (Irene nervosa)

-- Look, the police must be looking for me! Kidnapping is a serious crime! It's a hideous crime! (Dead alive)
-- Ra, ra, ra ... alright! Complete my day (Irene laughing)

-- Are you laughing at that, young lady? (Living dead nervous)

-- It's nothing not ra, ra, ra ... (Irene laughing)

-- Careful, young lady! Careful! (Dead alive)

-- Well, here on your record you say that you died sleeping, heart attack. Do you confirm? (Irene)

-- Wait, that's it!  It's not kidnapping! (Dead alive)

-- That is right! We are beginning to understand ourselves. (Irene)

-- Yeah, I know what that is! (Dead alive)

-- So tell me, what does this look like to you? (Irene)

-- You're from some crazy religion! That's it! They kidnapped me to offer me to the Satan! Of course! The uniforms and all this paranoia I'm dead from! That's it, is not it? (Dead alive)

-- Ra ...! That's not yet! (Irene laughing a lot)

-- Then what can it be? (Dead alive)

-- You died! Kick your boots! You went the other side! No one is lover´s Satan here! At least not that I know of, ra ...! (Irene laughing)

-- You must find all this very funny, do not you?" (Living dead nervous)

-- Excuse! Really! It's just that I can´t stop laugh! Ra...! (Irene laughing)

-- I Know! (Dead alive)

-- Look, I'm having a really difficult day today, you know? So I ask apologize a thousand, but who knows, you do not tell me how did you come to stop here? Maybe we can´t find the answer together? (Irene)

-- Well, I was asleep when they came, some strange faces, all in white, saying they were ... angels? I think that's it? They brought me to a strange city, so I wanted to go home, they did not leave me, and when I found out I was here, in this crazy place. (Dead alive)

-- Hmm ...! This it explains a lot! (Irene)

-- What for example? (Dead alive)

-- Tell me why did you think the city strange? (Irene)

-- Well, there were people flying, some people coming out and going into black holes that were like tunnels, I thought I was sleeping or having some hallucination, I do not know! Do not you have another explanation for that? (Dead alive)

- So you think at least this strange! (Irene)

-- Yes, but you make me look crazy by telling you these things! (Dead alive)

-- No, you're not crazy. It is not a kidnapping and we are not lovers of the devil too. Our time over, but ... I want you to reflect why this city seems so strange to you, can you? (Irene)

-- Yes, I'll do it. You seem to be a nice person, I'll trust you for now. (Dead alive)

-- Good! Very good! That's it! (Irene)

- So, it's over? (Jamiel coming)

-- Yes! And there was progress. (Irene gets up from the chair in front of the cage)

-- Ah! Girl, what's your name? (Dead alive)

-- Irene! (Irene)

-- The Mine is Souza! Pleasure! (Dead alive)

-- Pleasure, Souza! (Irene)

-- Ah! Miss Irene, one more thing! (Dead alive)

-- What Souza? (Irene)

-- It's just that you seemed to be cool ... (Dead alive)

-- Thank you, Souza. (Irene)

-- Can I use the phone? It's only a minute, I promise. (Dead alive)

-- One what? (Irene surprise)

-- Phone ra ...! (Jamiel laughing)

-- It's just that I need to call my wife, she must be worried. (Dead alive)

-- Ra, ra, ra ... (Jamiel laughing)

-- You're laughing of the what? You bald asshole! (Dead alive)

-- If I had one you could to use, but here in the world of the dead we can´t call the living Souza. Goodbye my friend! (Irene going out with Jamiel)

-- Why? There's no phone here? What strange people! (Dead alive alone)
Part 7
The Intimidator

According to the file of my next patient he is chained inside the cage. As well? Here says he has found out a way out of the cage, and so it is need for special chains to prevent that him escape him from here. Wow! He also says that he is extremely aggressive and has a tendency to provoke the plane adapters, verbally and physically when he is loose. He is adept at inducing other spirits to think like him, and still inducing his "victims" to do something contrary to his wills. Wow, this guy is dangerous! (Irene arriving at the cage of her next patient)

-- Hello! (Intimidator)

-- Hi! My name is Irene, I am your new adapter. (Irene seeing the intimidator chained inside the cage as if he were Christ)

-- My name is Jeferson! Pleasure! I'm sure I'll really enjoy your company. (Intimidator)

-- Wow, you're polite! Nor does it seem that what is in the file about you is true. (Intimidator)

-- Pretty girl, let me tell you something ... (Intimidator)

-- What? (Irene)

-- You do not know anything about me! (Intimidator)

-- So you're not aggressive, intimidating? And does it not induce other spirits to do wrong things? (Irene)

-- This is all bullshit, pretty girl, I would never do this. (Intimidator)

- Ah! And thank you for the "pretty girl," I really needed to hear it today. (Irene smiling)

-- Yeah, I know! (Intimidator)

-- Do you know? What? (Irene)

-- That you need to be wanted! (Intimidator)

-- What are you talking about? (Irene)

-- Sex! (Intimidator)

-- As? (Irene)

-- That! It already is any time that you have not felt a man, have you? (Intimidator)
-- I think It is not of your business! (Irene embarrassed)

-- Because? (Intimidator)

-- Why not! (Irene)

-- It was not my question. (Intimidator)

-- No? (Irene)

-- I want to know why a pretty girl like you have has little sex. Did you not find anyone you like? (Intimidator)

-- Look, I'm not your patient!" Understood?

-- Your adapters are strange! You want us to talk to our intimates secrets, but you do not realize that you are completely strange to our eyes! Why, in the name of God, would I open for you to a strange? Just because you are beautiful! Only this! Why would I tell a strange thing so intimate that I would prefer hide? Why? I do not think so! I need to know a little more about you! I can open with you, and it takes time. (Intimidator)

-- OK! What do you want to know? (Irene nervosa)

-- Sex. Why? (Intimidator)

-- Why not! I do not need, I'm a spirit! And well detached from matter. (Irene)

-- It's not what your thoughts tell me, Irene.

-- I do not want that you to read my thoughts! I was clear? (Irene)

-- Why not? If you lie to me about the things I ask you, it's my right then to find out something about you alone, and it makes me think that you do not inspire confidence, it reminds me, too, that I can´t open myself up with a person like you, do you not agree? (Intimidator)

-- Damn it! You were too good to be true! A patient  more or less normal? In one place like this? Of course! Why not? But it's well done to me! (Irene)

-- Although it is not my business, we can talk about it if you want, What about? (Intimidator)

-- No! Thank you! (Irene)

-- So back to the subject, why? (Intimidator)

-- Because I did not met anyone who pleases me. (Irene)

-- Then we have a prince? Yes! A prince it is clear in your mind! (Intimidator)
-- He was good in bed, and you fell in love for him. (Intimidating reading Irene's thoughts)

-- Is it over? (Irene nervous and embarrassed)

-- What happened wrong between you and him beautiful girl?

-- He's gone! Only this! (Irene)

-- Yes! I see in your thoughts! What is he? A suicide! This is very interesting! It's good to know that my adapter is in good company. (Intimidator)

-- Jamiel, I'm glad you came! (Irene nervous and embarrassed)

-- Let's go! (Jamiel)

-- OK! (Irene)

-- We continue in the next section! I think some things are going to have to change here, Mr. Jéferson! (Irene)

-- Of course! And it was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Irene! (Intimidating seeing Irene leave with Jamiel)

Part 8
Report 1

(Office of the manager)

-- So, we start with the report? (Manager)

-- I'd like to start by talking about the defecator, sir. (Irene)

-- Yes, go on. (Manager)

-- He insists on hiding his thoughts. He is trying to hide something that he considers a great sin, though it is not something that he did in life and does not want others to know. That is why he creates, defecates, eats and drinks his own feces, that is why he feels dirty inside because of this weight in the consciousness. (Irene)

-- Just a moment, is not it because he was a beggar that he is like this? (Manager)

-- The most bizarre is that he was a beggar because of the ex-wife and son, but he do not feel sad that, he is not why he feels dirty. (Irene)

-- No? (Manager)

-- No! It's something he did in his lifetime and he felt sure that no one knew about it. Until he arrive here and to see that we could read his thoughts, that made him insecure and made him create and eat his own feces. (Irene)

-- Hmm! Interesting point of view, I had not thought of that. (Manager)

-- Yes! But I think there was progress, he wants that I call him by name, and he tried to impress me by offering me some of his feces. (Irene)

-- He wants you to be a part of his world." (Manager)

-- This this! I'm earning his trust, sir. (Irene)

-- What about the masochist? (Manager)

-- This patient, in my opinion, has no way. (Irene)

-- No? Because? (Manager)

-- Because he no responds to the external environment, he is totally self-centered and no speaks to anyone. He has lost touch with the world and reality, sir. (Irene)

-- And why did not you pull the lever? (Manager)

-- Why could not I, sir? (Irene)

-- Young lady, what did I tell you today in the first hour of the morning? (Manager)

-- That we should not get emotionally involved with patients, and we should be impartial with them. (Irene)

-- And then? (Manager)

-- I'm sorry, sir, this will not happen again. (Irene)

-- I'll wait. I'll have Jamiel take care of him, tell me about the rest. (Manager)

-- Well, the living dead will see the truth in time, that he is not alive. I´m not  worried about him sir. (Irene)

-- I understand (Manager)

-- The amazing thing about him is that he creates the food on the tray with his thought but he does not realize it, that he does not have to eat or go to the bathroom. There is a private in the cell that he created with his thinking and he did not realize it. He thinks we put the food and the toilet down there for him. (Irene)

-- I agree with you, we must make him realize that he died slowly." What about the intimidating? (Manager)

-- The bully is trying to get to know me better so he can open up to me." I think it's a matter of time before he gets out of there, but there are only two things that intrigue me in his case: First, on the record it's said he's dangerous, I honestly do not believe it. And another thing, he's too quiet seem until that he has nothing to hide. I ask myself how a spirit came to the diamond hall, and still more chained. (Irene)

-- In the first place, Miss. Irene, he is one of the oldest spirits in the diamond hall. (Manager)

-- I do not believe! How? (Irene)

-- Second, he's aggressive, yes, and extremely manipulative! (Manager)

-- How did he come here? (Irene)

-- He started assaulting the other Fortica citizens for no apparent reason, so they brought him here, and when we tried to rehabilitate him the same thing happened. You have to be careful with he, he is accustomed to manipulating adapters. Watch out! An adapter that worked here some time ago was induced to leave he go out, he is the most dangerous spirit here. (Manager)

-- Why has not he been sent low plans yet? (Irene)

-- Because he's a nature phenomenon. He is how a object of study, we offer him to go to the low plans, but he chose to stay and serve as object of study. (Manager)

-- No doubt he's an icon. (Irene)

-- You must be careful with him. I put you with him to test you, but I think he's dangerous too for you, I'll put you in another case. (Manager)

-- No! Please! Give me a chance! I think I can help you! (Irene)

-- Are you sure? (Manager)

-- Yes, I´m! (Irene)

-- Then it's fine! It's over today, go home. The judging by your face, you really need a break. And believe me, the trend is that things will get worse for you in the future, you will understand that the diamond hall is not paradise, although it is the same. (Manager)

-- Yes sir. (Irene)

-- You can go, and have a good rest. (Manager)

-- Thank you, sir.  (Irene leaving the room)

Part 9
Homecoming 1

(Irene in her apartment in Fortica)

  -- What a hard day of work. You know, I think I'm just like Gabriel, my mind is spinning, remembering and remembering the day's events with my troubled patients in the Diamond Room. (Irene thinking)

- That's what the day is! (Irene speaking alone and lighting a cigarette remembering the day she met Gabriel)


- I'm here in Fortica, in a big house and very beautiful that was built so the inhabitants of the
locals call them builders, whon I believe should be local engineers, architects and masons. I was told that here will be my home in Fortica, at least while I´m as a skydiver. I still did not have the courage to leave alone in the streets of Fortica, this idea
intimidates a bit, already  that the inhabitants of Fortica  see me like a freak. I think it's good I
stay here having a little fun with my loneliness, far away of the debaucheries of the devil that I had in life of those "fucked up" souls graveyard and the difficulty of be a skydiver. could say that the silence of loneliness is an article luxury, which I must enjoy must for maximum, just God knows how long it will last. I would be lying to myself if I believed it, because I am tormented to the bad memories of the past, and the most recent one is that woman's pregnant I could not help how new
member of skydivers. It will be idiocy or weakness
Can´t I find peace in heaven? Or maybe it's both ... (Gabriel thinking and being interrupted by the bell)

-- Who will be? (Gabriel opening the door)

-- Hi! My name is Irene, I'm an adapter for
plans. (Irene adapter for plans)

-- IT IS! I told me that someone like you would appear, but I did not expect someone so beautiful. (Gabriel)

-- I hope I did not disappoint you. (Adapter of
plans Irene)

-- No way. (Gabriel)

-- You know, my look is a little uncomfortable.
some people, particularly men.
(Irene Plan Adapter.)

-- I can assure you that the same does not happen
with me, Irene. (Gabriel)

-- Yeah, They told me that you would not give too much work in this direction, to hide thoughts, the fact that you were a medium in his last life. (Irene Plan Adapter)

-- Well, Irene, as you can see I'm already schooled
on the subject. (Gabriel)

-- By the way, I'm sorry I interrupted you. His thoughts, though bitter, It didn´t leave to be interesting. You really passed a lot of thing. (Irene  Plan Adapter)

-- You were listening to my thoughts from the out? (Gabriel surprised)

-- I was all the time, but I was not the only one.
You must be careful with your thoughts, sir, It can travel for miles. (Adapter of Plans Irene)

-- Next time I'll be more careful. (Gabriel)

-- What do you think must have happened to you,
sir, to have become a spirit unusual, I say, so different from the other suicides? You think it was lucky? (Irene Plans Adapter)

-- First of all you wanted to say aberration, and second of all, I think that luck favors strong, what you must find strange it coming from a suicide. (Gabriel)

-- First of all, I don´t think you are an aberration, I just think you're being hard on himself, talking like that. And secondly, you do not feel strong because
I can read your thoughts and I can say a lot
about what you think about yourself about this subject. (Plans Adapter Irene.)

-- Very good, that's what you see in my
thoughts? (Gabriel)

-- There's more things, do you want to know? (Irene Plans Adapter)

-- Surprise me! (Gabriel)

-- Well, you're trying to impress me. trying to be hard with me and with you, and thinks that with this will make me care about you, since the intention is to flirt with me. Is there more something else I need to know? (Irene Plans Adapter)

-- Yes you do! (Gabriel)

-- What? I do not see anything else in your
thoughts. (Irene Plans Adapter)

-- But I see yours. I see that you are generally a sweet and kind person with your patients, but you´re being a little hard on me to hide the fact that you´re enjoying being flirted. I think, Miss Irene, that you should be careful with your thoughts, they can travel for miles. Is there something else I need to know? (Gabriel)

-- You definitely do not make me intimidated. (Irene plan adapter)

-- No, I Let you just a little shy, I´m right? (Gabriel)

-- I think we're accustomed to reveal the that we think, does not it? (Irene Plan Adapter)

-- Yes, very accustomed. (Gabriel)

-- Good! Do you like to read newspapers? (Adapter of plans Irene)

-- I did not have a chance to discover it yet, in my  life I was a very sick boy, I was dare to read newspapers. (Gabriel)

-- Because of the mediumship? (Adapter of
Plans Irene)

-- Yes. (Gabriel)

-- Well, anyway, I got it here in the your mail. (Irene Plans Adapter)

-- What is it? (Gabriel)

-- It's the Fortica newspaper, it brings the events of city. (Adapter of Plans Irene with the newspaper in hand)

-- Let me see! (Gabriel picking up the newspaper in his hand
by Irene)

-- Suicide terrifies the city, suicidal becomes skydiver, is suicide a threat? (Gabriel reading the front page of the newspaper)

-- I'm sorry, I did not read the paper today. I did not know and ... (Plan Adapter Irene being

--  And the first page! The kids love me. I am
the greatest success. (Gabriel returning the newspaper to Irene)

-- Look, I'm going to talk to the press to stop talk about this, okay? (Adapter of plans Irene with pen of Gabriel)

-- It is not bother me, How Machiavelli's saying: it's better to be feared than loved. (Gabriel)

-- Yeah, but I'm going to talk to the Do not bother, it's Machiavelli's saying: it's better to be feared than loved. (Gabriel)

-- Yeah, but I'm going to talk to the press. We usually did not receive people that´s way in Fortica. This is disrespectful. (Adapter of Irene nervous plans)

-- Look, I'm care for it. This kind of thing, no affects me anymore, it's like I said when I was live: What does not kill me leaves me more strong. (Gabriel)

Maybe we did not change the subject? Let's go
Talk about something more fun. ( Adapter Plans  Irene)

-- Change the subject? Talk about something more fun? Like what Irene? Maybe we will not talk one bit about your courage to come here and see the “Boogeyman"? It must not have been easy! I must have spoiled your day, did not you? Well done to you! Now get out, please! I want to be alone. (Gabriel nervous)

-- In the first place, sure this kind of thing affects you! And you see, I did not read your
thoughts to discover this! I need to observe your good mood after you see the newspaper. (Irene Adapter Plans)

Yes, it may be. Sorry, I should not have been so
stupid with you. (Gabriel)

-- Well, secondly, I came here to take you for the evaluator. (Irene Adapter Plans)

-- And what is the evaluator? (Gabriel)

-- Well, Gabriel, it's ... Ah! We're kind of late, you'll know by now, okay? (Irene distracted looking at the clock)

-- It's all right. (Gabriel)

-- So let's go. (Irene Adapter Plans)

-- Do I have a choice? (Gabriel)

-- No. (Irene Plan Adapter)

-- So here we go! (Gabriel leaving home with

Part 10
Defector 2

-- Hello! (Irene)

- Ah! It's the beautiful girl last time! (defecator)

-- Yes, i'ts me! How are you? (Irene)

-- Getting more and more chubby ...! (Defecator laughing with a piece of faeces in his mouth)

-- Are you ready to tell me what's going on? (Irene)

-- No! (Defective)

-- Then I'll tell you what I think is going on. Is it okay for you? (Irene)

-- You will not find out!" No one will ever know! (Defective)

-- You feel dirty by something you did in life, and so you eat your own feces. It is a form of self-punishment. You feel like "shit," so you eat your own feces. Am I right? (Irene)

-- IT IS! Maybe it is! But the truth is, it feels so good. Are you sure you do not want a little bit? (Defector offering a piece of his feces to Irene)

-- Look, do you want to spend the rest of your eternity in hell or a place like this?  (Irene)

-- No I do not want! (Defective crying)

-- Then tell me your secret, and you leave here. (Irene)

-- I can´t! (Defective)

-- Why, Roberto? (Irene)

-- Because I am ashamed! (Defective)

-- Try Roberto! Please! To get out of here! (Irene)

-- It's too humiliating!" (Defective)

-- Nothing can be more humiliating than it!" Eat your own feces? Nothing can be more humiliating than this! (Irene)

-- It was in high school, in the fourth grade, (Defecator)

-- Talk! (Irene)

-- I had diarrhea! (Defective)

-- What else? (Irene)

-- I was in shorts and there was a little poop
running down my leg and ... (Defector)

-- AND? (Irene)

-- And for the other students not to see me I ... (Defector)

-- YOU? (Irene)

-- I eat! Are you satisfied? I scraped off my leg and ate! I ate my shit! That came from my ass! Can you understand that? Damn it! Can not a man have his secrets? Damn it! Now I walk for this city of spirits and I do not want anyone to know that for my memories! (Defective crying)

-- You do not have to hide your memories from other spirits. They have "rotten" like you and They will not laugh at you, understand? Ready! Ended! You're clean! (Irene)

-- Are not you going to laugh at me now? (Defective)

-- No, Roberto! I will not laugh at you. I'm glad you're freeing yourself. That's not funny. (Irene watching the feces of the defecator's cage disappears)

-- Damn, so many years in this filth! (Defective)

-- Calm down, I'll ask them let you go. (Irene)

-- Thank you! Thank you! (Defective)

-- You will see that a new life guards you! It is very good! (Irene)

-- OK! Thank you! (Defective)

Part 11
The boy

My next case involves a boy. Here on the record says that he is afraid to read his thoughts, here also says that when this happens he tries to run or hide, and when threatened he stay in panics, starting to cry and shout. Here also says that he is not aggressive. Well, I'll see what he has to say. (Irene approaching the boy's cage)

-- Hi! My name is Irene, I am your new adapter. (Irene watching the boy sitting in a fetal position, hiding his face in his legs, but crying softly)

-- Hi! (Boy crying softly)

-- You want to tell me your name?" (Irene)

-- André (Boy stopped crying).

-- André! Can you tell me how old you were when you died? (Irene)

-- Thirteen. (Boy)

-- You want to tell me what's going on, Andre? (Irene)

-- I wish I could, but it's too horrible! (Boy coming back crying)

-- Do not you want to try? (Irene)

-- I can´t! (Boy crying again)

-- Yes, you can! Of course you can, trust me! (Irene)

-- Please I will not do this! It's too awful! (Terrified boy)

-- Calm! Let's take it easy, okay? (Irene)

-- It's all right. (Boy calming down)

-- Maybe you will not start by giving me a clue and I'll ask, what about? (Irene)

-- It has to do with my family. (Boy)

-- With your father? (Irene)

-- No, it has to do with my mother and my oldest sister! (Boy)

-- What about them? (Irene)

-- They were very beautiful. (Boy)

"And you liked them?" (Irene)

-- Yes! But in another way! (Boy)

-- And what would that be, André? (Irene)

-- The wrong way! You understand? (Boy)

     -- I know. And your father? Were you jealous of him? (Irene)

-- No, no. He died a few months after I was born. (Boy)

-- Know! Is there something else? (Irene)

-- Well ... (Boy)

-- Yes are there more sothing! I can see it in your thoughts. (Irene)

-- No! Please! No...! (Terrified boy)

- All right, all right! Sorry! I did not want ... (Irene being interrupted)

-- Please, you can´t make this without my consent! (Calming boy)

-- Fine! I´m sorry! I Will not do this again! Promise! (Irene)

-- It's all right! (Little boy)

-- Then go on! Please! (Irene)

-- They liked to change their clothes in front of me and ... Well ... (nervous boy)

-- AND? (Irene)

-- They also liked to walk in the house naked!" (Boy)

-- Both? (Irene)

-- Yes! Both! And constantly! (Boy)

-- And that made you nervous? (Irene)

-- Yes! Much! (Boy)

-- Have more? (Irene)

-- Has! (Boy)

-- Look! I'm not reading your thoughts anymore! (Irene)

-- I know! Thank you! (Boy)

-- Go on. (Irene)

-- They stayed looking at me! (Boy)

-- Looking how? (Irene)

-- The wrong way! It's as if they wanted to tease me with those looks! Eyes full of ...! You know, do not you? (Boy)

-- I Know. (Irene watching boy vomit)

-- Excuse me! I am very nervous! (Boy throwing up)

-- It's all right! Just you make the vomit out of your thought, Can you do he disappears? (Irene)

-- It's all right! (Boy)

-- That's right! (Irene watching the vomit disappears from the boy)

-- Look, I want to stop for today, may I? I'm not well. (Boy)

-- All right, let's go on another day. But you have to get ready to talk to me! You have to tell me everything, do you understand? (Irene)

-- Yes, I understood! (Boy)

-- You don´t worry! Soon, soon you will be getting out of here! Understood? (Irene)

-- It is ok! (Boy)

Part 12
Dead alive 2

-- Hello, Souza! (Irene seeing Dead alive eating a steak on her food tray)

-- Hi, Mrs. Irene! I really wanted to talk to you. (Irene)

-- So talk! I think that's why I'm here. Good thing it's just a steak. (Irene remembering the defecator)

-- Well, when are you going to get me out of this crazy prison? That is, my wife must be worried! I need a phone call at least. You understand? Do not get me wrong, the food here is not so bad, . It how like my wife's food. Is strange? Not it? (Dead alive)

-- Let's do this: what would you like to eat? (Irene)

-- Shrimp! I love shrimp! (Dead alive)

-- Then look at your tray! (Irene)

-- How? Had a steak and a fried egg here! (Dead alive, seeing a portion of fried shrimp on the tray)

-- Now try it! (Irene)

-- Hmm! It's shrimp! How is it possible? (Dead alive eating the shrimp)

-- Now imagine something you want to drink a lot. (Irene)

-- Coke? (Dead alive)

-- Now look at the side of the tray! (Irene)

-- There's a glass of Coke here! (Dead alive)

 You can feel free to eat, drink and smoke whatever you want, Souza. Use your creativity, come on! (Irene)

-- How is it possible? (Dead alive)

"All this comes exclusively from your imaginative mind, Souza. (Irene)

-- IS IT? (Dead alive)

-- Yes! And you want to know why this is possible? (Irene)

-- Why? (Dead alive)

-- Because you're dead, “you've gone from here to better to better!" The people die it happens all the time, understood?   (Irene)

-- It can´t be! (Dead alive)

-- Do you wants to know? Imagine that toilet bowl disappears. (Irene)

-- How is it possible? And now how am I going to use the bathroom? (Living dead watching the vase disappear)

-- Do you not have to use the bathroom, Souza. You're dead, but Do you not think so, so you're still using the bathroom after you're dead. (Irene)

-- Is it? So is it true? (Dead alive)

-- Yes! That's what we're trying to tell you! And there's very time! (Irene smiling)

-- Damn it! So I died? (Dead alive)

-- But you do not worry! You go to a cool place when you get out of here, it will happen soon after. I can see in your mind that you've convinced yourself of this, that you're dead. (Irene)

-- What can I do? I died! (Dead alive sad)

-- Now to live again only reincarnating! But Souza you will never be with life again. It happens to everyone! It happened to me, it happened to Jamiel! One day we all have to die, the child know about this. that someday she will die, so my friend, your time arrived! I'm sorry but there not is way to resurrect it! (Irene)

-- I imagine. Thank you for your help! (Dead alive)

-- You're welcome! (Irene)

Intimidator 2

-- Hello! (Irene)

-- Hi, Miss Irene! How are you? (Intimidator)

-- Now that I'm here with you?" Too bad! (Irene)

-- IT IS! I think I have this effect on women, Miss Irene. (Intimidator)

-- Of course! And so? Let's have another nasty talk about my intimate life? (Irene)

-- Let's go! In absolutely! (Intimidator)

-- So, what are you waiting for? Complete my day (Irene)

-- Then let's talk about vagina! (Intimidator)

-- Vagina? (Irene)

-- Yes! About your vagina! (Intimidator)

-- What do you want to know about my vagina? (Irene)

-- She's big, is not she?  (Intimidator)

-- She's huge! Fits an elephant inside it! I'm a break-in! Because? Did you notice? (Irene)

-- Ra ...! (Intimidating Laughing)

-- Ra ...! (Irene laughing)

-- Do you know why I asked that?" (Intimidator)

-- Let me guess ... are you a gynecologist. Are you? (Irene)

-- No! It's because you're thinking about the size of your ex-boyfriend's penis while you talk to me. His was big! (Intimidator)

-- Damn it! (Irene)

-- You have a very dilated vagina, so a man can hardly give you pleasure unless you have a big penis! And that's why you fell in love with him! Because women are simple even after death, and there are men who still do not understand the women. (Intimidator)

-- Now that you know everything about my ex-boyfriend's penis and my vagina, can we talk a little about you? But just a little bit! I promise! (Irene)

-- Of me? But I'm so annoying! No secrets to tell you, ...! (Intimidator)

-- Really! Your mind comes to be so clean it's a wonder! Although you have a very dirty mouth, of course! (Irene)

-- So, Irene, what do you want to know about my boring life?  (Intimidator)

-- Did you really think your life boring, Jeferson? (Irene)

-- No! I really liked my life. (Intimidator)

-- Tell me about it, Jéferson? (Irene)

-- I was married, a family man, two children, a couple, and a wife I loved. (Intimidator)

-- What did you do? (Irene)

-- I was a pastor! (Intimidator)

-- Hi, Irene! The Manager is waiting for you! (Jamiel coming)

-- I'm coming, Jamiel!" What a pity, Jeferson, now that the thing were warmed up, was not it? (Irene)

-- IT IS! Saved by the gong! (Intimidator)

-- Certainly! (Irene getting up from a chair and walking out)

-- How was your day Irene? (Jamiel)

-- Productive! You was waiting for what? That I said good? Nobody has a good day at the Diamond Hall! At least productive. (Irene)

      -- I know I believe and you re,re,re. (Intimidator laught)

Part 14
Report 2

(Office of the manager)

-- So, how was your day? (Manager)

-- You're the second person to ask me that today. (Irene)

-- And how it was? (Manager)

-- Let's say very productive. (Irene)

- Hmm ...! That's good! I want to start with the report? (Manager)

-- First of all, let's talk about the defecator. (Irene)

-- Yes, I heard! You socialized it! Good job! (Manager)

-- Not only this! I proved that I was right; it was a little thing from his past! From his childhood! Do you believe that? (Irene)

-- The pains of one man are not the same as the other, Miss Irene. The hurts in one person may not hurt in another. (Manager)

- Hmm ...! Philosophical! (Irene)

-- I'm not a bright man, but I have my moments, Miss Irene. Proceed! (Manager)

-- Well, the other one who socialized was the living dead. In this case it was easy, it was only to show how our world of spirits differs from that of the living. When it was worked, he finally understood that he's dead. (Irene)

-- Good! Very good! But It will there be no relapses in this case? He found out he's dead, but he does not know how to work it. Maybe it's too early to be optimistic, what do you not you think? (Manager)

-- Honestly, I do not believe it! He is very calm and comparison with other spirits. Anyway, it is pay to see! (Irene)

-- I agree! Jamiel will instruct him from now on and in time we will see. Proceed! (Manager)

-- Well, then we have the boy, what's his name?" (Irene)

-- André! (Manager)

-- Of course! But… continuing, it worries me! (Irene)

-- Why? (Manager)
-- Because it's a case of incest, and very serious. His thoughts are very confusing, I think it will be a complicated case. (Irene)

- Incest? With whom? (Manager)

-- Or your mother, or your Sister. I would not be surprised if  It went with both! (Irene)

-- You want to give the case to Jamiel? (Manager)

-- No! As bad as this boy's situation is, I'm gaining his confidence, we've made some progress, he's talking. Do you understand? (Irene)

-- Yes! If we change adapter now we will confuse his head. (Manager)

-- That's right! (Irene)

-- What about the intimidator? He's Who I'm really worried about! (Manager)

-- With me or with him?" (Irene)

-- To be honest with you. This guy is sick! Do you understand? (Manager)

-- IT IS! We actually taking our "nice" talk about the size of my vagina and the size of my ex boyfriend's penis, I believe we made some progress and ... (Irene being interrupted)

-- Size of what? My goodness, this guy is trying to drive you crazy and you're getting into his! (Manager)

-- Really! He started telling me about his life! He was a pastor, a family man and ... (Irene being interrupted)

-- That's how it starts! You do not understand, do you? This guy is crazy! Very crazy! I do not know why I let him here in the diamond hall, I could have dispatched him! But I did not! (Manager)

-- Calm! I know I can solve the case! Trust me! Besides, it does not seem to be a difficult case. (Irene)

-- Did you ever stop to think that maybe that's what he wants you to think?" (Manager)

-- You gave me a chance to solve this case, now you're going to have to trust me!" (Irene)

-- It's ok! But be careful! (Manager)

-- It's ok! I will take. (Irene)

-- Well, Mrs. Irene! You're dismissed for today! Good rest! (Manager)

-- Thank you, Mr.! Equally! (Irene leaving out of the office)

Part 15
Homecoming 2

(Irene in her apartment in Fortica)

-- My first productive day in that crazy place. That's good! (Irene talking to herself, thinking the second time she saw Gabriel and light a cigarette)

-- Hi, it's me Irene! (Irene seeing Gabriel going
the door after she touched the doorbell)

-- I'll open the door! (Gabriel)
You don´t need!" (Irene passing through the wall)

-- So, Irene, the doors do not work with
you? (Gabriel)

-- It's just that I try to combine the useful with the pleasant, so you do not have to open the door. (Irene the adapter of plans)

-- I for other side join the useless to unpleasant, I stay here without doing anything thinking nonsense. (Gabriel)

-- Yeah, I heard you outside thinking. (Irene the adapter of plans)

-- Yes, privacy should not be the best of citizens of Fortica. (Gabriel)

-- Yeah, I told you, your thoughts will not go away.
on four walls after you die. But if it is a consolation I was not the only one who listened, everyone who passes in the street nearby also listened; you need try to see your thoughts as a noise pollution, you wanting or not, everyone is listening. (Irene plan adapter.)

-- Why did you come, Irene?

-- To continue its adaptation of plans. Today we will learn how to create objects with
hands. (Irene plan adapter)

-- Funny! I had a spirit friend, he to create things with his hands, but I confess that I never try on it. (Gabriel)

-- Try to think of something good, something that you ate or drank during his life and you liked very much. (Irene the flat adapter)

-- I'm thinking. (Gabriel thinking in uno

-- Now try creating the cigarette by making your format with his hands, imagining the taste and
mouth. (Irene plan adapter)

-- Wow! It worked! (Gabriel smoking)

-- And how's the taste? (Irene plan adapter)

-- It's very similar to the original, but it isn´t the same. (Gabriel)

-- It's nicotine. How you don´t have a brain you can´t feel the effects of cigarettes or any drug, only remembering the taste where you create a cigarette with the hands almost real. (Irene plan adapter)

-- That Cool! Although the taste of bread with meat
is more like the original. (Gabriel creating and
eating a meat of bread)

-- It is because food, in general, exerts more
influence on the brain than the cigarette or any
another drug, and so you feel the taste better. (Irene plan adapter)

--Yeah, but it's still not the same. (Gabriel)

-- Certainly not. (Irene plan adapter)

-- I'll try to make coffee. (Gabriel, creating and drinking coffee)

-- Try it! (Irene plan adapter)

-- It´s not good! (Gabriel)

-- It's because you did not drink much coffee in your life, and probably do not remember the taste. Try this! (Irene adapting plans by creating a cup of coffee and giving Gabriel)

-- That's much better. (Gabriel drinking coffee)

-- It's still not the same as the original. Irene
plan adapter)

-- Can I create objects too? (Gabriel creating
an iron bar with his hands)

-- Of course! Now try a song! (Irene plan adapter)

-- That´s Cool! (Gabriel and Irene listening to music)

-- Well, now comes the next step: to get to know the city of Fortica. (Irene plan adapter)

-- How? (Gabriel)

-- Tour! (Irene plan adapter)

-- I see, but I do not know if that's a good idea."

-- And who said it's an option? Let's go! Irene
plan adapter)

-- Yes, and democracy lives. But if I'm lynched to
Your fault will be yours. (Gabriel going out with Irene)

Part 16

-- Wow, how beautiful is this city, what a sunset wonderful! There are buildings and houses everywhere. (Gabriel walking in Fortica with Irene, planner adapter)

-- That's why we usually say we're in the paradise here. But you do not be fooled, the sun, as well as the moon that will soon appear, and the clouds, They are not real. (Irene)
-- Really? They look so real! (Gabriel)

-- The sun, like most of Fortica's plan, was
built by the builders. (Irene)

-- And how did they do it?" With screws and
hammers (Gabriel)

-- The fact they did the same way they that we created your cigarette and the snack". (Irene)

-- By thought?  (Gabriel)
-- Yes! The builders have thoughts powerful, it is very difficult to be a builder, and your thoughts go beyond the reach of most us. (Irene)

-- I guess, this is all so real that only one genius could create these things. Who would say, Fortica is the plane of dreams. (Gabriel)

-- Not everything is a dream, all spirits are real end
all plans are made in the same way.

-- What about God and the devil, they exist? (Gabriel)

-- The devil don´t exist! There is only what you call souls punished, but God seems to be real. (Irene)

-- What do you mean "it looks real"? Have you never seen him? (Gabriel)

-- No! But we believe there must have been a first spirit who created all other plans and spirits. (Irene)

-- Well, die  and not seeing God is a little frustrating to me. (Gabriel)

-- For the most people Gabriel yes, just as it was for me. But here I found happiness, and for me This is more than enough. (Irene)

-- And the other plans, how many are there? (Gabriel)

-- We do not know, but the number we believed to be close to infinity. (Irene)

-- But tell me about yourself, did you die of what?

-- I died at seventy years of tuberculosis. (Irene)

-- So I'm talking to a girl from seventy years! (Gabriel)

-- That it, a girl with seventy years of looks
twenty five years. (Irene)

-- That's incredible. (Gabriel)

-- You're right, Gabriel, it's incredible. Well, our tour is over. Today is just it. I have to answer other people. (Irene)

-- So is it, baby, until next time. Seventy
Years old? It´s different!  (Gabriel)

Part 17
The boy 2

- Hello! (Irene)

-- Hello! (Boy on the floor in fetal position)

-- You thought about our conversation, Andre?" (Irene)

-- I thought! (Boy)

-- So you know you're going to have to tell me everything so you can get out of here." (Irene)

-- Know! (Boy)

-- Well, were you saying there was a certain attractive or connection with your mother and your older sister? It is? (Irene)

-- Yes! After that I thought things would end! But they did not end, on the contrary! They went too far, It more far than I thought it could go! (Boy)

-- I understand. Proceed. (Irene)

-- Look, I wish there was an easier way to tell you what happened, but there is not! (Boy)

-- I know! I'm sorry. (Irene)

-- It all start with my sister. (Boy)

-- What about her? (Irene)

-- She, besides staying to see me in a strange way that I'd told you, she asked me with frequently if I would help her close her bra. And ... one day ... (Boy stuttering)

-- Continues! (Irene)

-- We started to play; she was undressed and kissed me, so we made love. It was all so fast. (Boy crying)

-- I understand. (Irene)

-- They asked me if I did not want to play too. (Boy)

-- AND? (Irene)

-- And I made love to both. (Boy crying)

-- Ok! (Irene)

-- We all sleep in the same bed, naked! We were walking naked in the house and making love often! I with my sister and my mother! Most of the time at the same time! The worst is that I liked it! I fell in love with both! We didn´t had limits in bed, we did everything! (Boy crying)

-- Look! I know what I'm going to say will not make much difference now, but you should believe in my point of view. (Irene)

-- And what is he? (Boy)

-- Although it may seem bizarre at first, you loved each other and that's not bad, although it seems to be. But you liked each other, and that's what matters, anyway! What I'm trying to say is that if it was a bad thing, you would not be here! You would be with the bad spirits  in another plane, you
understand, André? (Irene)

-- I understand! (Boy stop crying)

-- Then you have your mind clean!" I can´t see anything, you're clean, you're not hiding anything. See how good to be not with piano in your head? (Irene)

-- Yes! It is wonderful! I'm free! (Boy)

- I know André! You're almost out of here. Only a few bureaucracies you will leave this place. (Irene)

-- Thank you very much! (Boy)

Part 18

Of According to the report, my next patient has a deformed in her face, and she is known as bizarre. She came to the Diamond Hall because she always had her face deformed, scaring the citizens of Fortica. Here she says that she in the life
was extremely beautiful, but complexed with her beauty. Her enormous beauty apparently caused her many problems. Here she says that her beauty could be the starting point to discover the reason of she is bad adaptation in the city of Fortica. Well! Come on! (Irene reading the report of her next patient and going to the same cage)

-- Hello! (Bizarre approaching  of Irene, but inside the cage. Bizarra has a partially of face is skeleton part human part, his right side is the skeleton part, and the left the human part, she also has a very beautiful and totally human body )

-- Pleasure, I'm Irene! I'm your new planner. (Irene sitting in a chair outside the cage)

-- Yes, I imagined! (Bizarre)

-- Can I call you bizarre or do you have a name? (Irene)

-- Everyone has a name, Irene, but It´s notteveryone has a face ra, ra, ra ...! (Bizarre laughing)

-- And then? What is going to be? (Irene)

-- Call me Marcia! (Bizarre)

-- Marcia, you apparently can´t change your face, is it? (Irene)

-- Of according to the specialist of this place my deformed face is the fruit of the decomposition of my body in life. Apparently when I left my body and adopted the face tha was decomposing. (Bizarre)

-- I understand! But ... why not the rest of your body? I mean you have a perfect body! And, of according to what is here, it is the same body that you had in life without modifications. (Irene)

- It's a mystery. (Bizarre smiling)

-- Tell me about your life. I think that your great beauty was a problem for you, am I right? (Irene)

-- Yes it was! Very much! I wish not had been so pretty. (Bizarre)

-- Explain to me it. (Irene)
The men approached me not be my friends, but because I was thinking about sex. My friends who were not friends were envy of me, and They have afraid because when I introduced myself to their boyfriends and their friends, they would wanted to know about me and put my friends aside. I was the sex symbol of the whole school. Everyone wanted to fuck me, from my class, my teachers, the director and even the janitor. Some, like my math teacher, he threatened to reprove me if I did not make him a "good job" to him. (Bizarre)

-- And did you do well in your math teacher's exams? (Irene)

- Yes! Very much! But he changed my notes, invented mistakes in my tests that not exist! Anyway, all the end of the month going there the Marcia to give a "suck" in that fat pig stinking cigarette! (Bizarre)

-- And you did not try to talk to your parents? (Irene)

-- Yrs! At home it was very worse! My father and my unclet looking me in a strange way. My mother and aunt were jealous of me! (Bizarre)

-- What about the headmaster? (Irene)

--  He! When I tried to talk to him he told me that if I went to bed with him, I would not have to make a "good job" to anyone else. (Bizarre)

-- I understand. (Irene)

-- You do´t know how is good to be ugly! I would have been so happy! (Bizarre)

-- Marcia, did you go to the gym? (Irene)

-- No! My body comes from my cradle, I never needed to do gym. (Bizarre)

-- How? did you do die? Also related to her beauty? (Irene)

-- I was murdered, but it was because of my beauty." (Bizarre)

-- How was it? (Irene)

"Well, I was dating a boy then uno another guy who was in fall in love to me killed me for jealousy. (Bizarre)

-- How it is horrible! (Irene)

-- Yes it was! (Bizarre)

-- Well, is it for today. But I want you to know that I will do my best to help you, okay? (Irene)

-- Yes, thank you very much. (Bizarre)

Part 19
The Intimidator 3

-- Hello, Jeferson! Are you liking to stay at the five-star gaiola hotel? (Irene)

-- It's not so bad! (Intimidator)

-- Well so do you like to stay here chained? (Irene)

-- Let's say that to know the size of your vagina is priceless! To be little secrets like yours that leave me with that beautiful smile on my face, so with this I can see how is good to exist re ...! (Intimidating Laughing)

-- So do you like my company? (Irene)

-- Yes! And you can not imagine so much! (Intimidator)

-- So do you tell me that? You were saying you were a pastor and a family man, is that it? (Irene)

-- Pastor! Yes! God already gave me some good change. (Intimidator)

-- were you a pastor for the money, is it? (Irene)

--  You not get me wrong, I liked that I did, I liked God. (Intimidator)

-- So do you do´t like him more? (Irene)

-- Not like before. (Intimidator)

-- Because? (Irene)

-- Let's just say that life after death was not all I expected. (Intimidating Laughing)

-- Here in your report you say you were a great family man, is not it? (Irene)

-- I do not know if I was, but I tried hard to be, I adored my children and my wife. They were my life. Is it in the report? (Intimidator)

-- Yes it is! (Irene)

- Yeah, they died. It was tragic. (Intimidator)

-- IT IS! Losing the whole family in a car accident really should not be easy. (Irene)

-- We four were in the car at the time of the accident. Only I survived. (Intimidator)

-- But apparently that did not shake your faith." Here in your report it says that you continued to be a pastor, am I right? (Irene)

-- Yes! It made me closer more of God. I believed God would take care of them for me if I continued to spread the Lord's faith. (Intimidator)

-- Yes, it confirms here that you died and you believe more in God. Here on the record says that you continued to be a good man, and a better pastor after your family is gone. Tell me, did you not want to get married again? Why? (Irene)

-- No, I didn’t want, I believed that love is eternal. Fool I was. (Intimidator)

-- Why? Do not you believe more? (Irene)

-- No! After I died, my family and I we separated, I should have gave more attention to that part of the marriage that say: until death do us part. (Intimidator)

- I Know. This is common, the relatives who died move to other away from us when we die. The time passes, it is part of life, because what would become of them and of us if we spent our whole eternity reminding one another. I believe nature takes care of it, making us forget about each other. (Irene)

-- I agree. (Intimidator)

-- It brings me to the next question. (Irene)

-- What? (Intimidator)

-- What are you doing here? That is, it does not make sense! You were supposed to be the last person to stay in this cage, not to mention you're the oldest patient. I do not know how to help you! Your thoughts are clear! You were a good man in life Here it says that you are aggressive, but if you is, I can´t understand why? (Irene)

-- But, I yes. (Intimidator)

-- Then, in God's name, tell me why? And you get out of this hole!  (Irene)

-- I do not know if I can! (Intimidator)

-- You can and you should! (Irene)

-- It's ok! I Talk! (Intimidator)

-- Then talk!" (Irene)

- It's the manager! (Intimidator)

-- What about him? (Irene)

- He wants me here. (Intimidator)

-- It's whay? (Irene)

-- I'll tell you everything from the beginning. (Intimidator)

-- So tell me about!  (Irene)

- When I arrived to Fortica, I was a bit scared and so I was aggressive, so I came here. I was healed, but the manager thought it would be more useful to keep me here to spy on the other adapters. (Intimidator)

-- It can´t be! (Irene)

-- But it's the truth. (Intimidator)

-- I do not know if I can believe you! (Irene)

- You're watching! I don´t tell to you because you did´t believe in me! It´s lost of time! And then, if you try to help me it will end like the other adapters, you ´ll be banished from here and me being framed as responsible. (Intimidator)

-- Can you prove it? (Irene)

-- I have! In the next section! You're late for the report with the manager, we can´t let him suspect anything. Go! We'll talk tomorrow! (Intimidator)

-- That's right! We will see the relevance of this in the next section. (Irene)

-- And I swear! It's the last time I try to leave here with the help of others! I do not want to compromise anybody innocent. (Intimidator)

-- We´ll see, Jefersom! We'll see! (Irene)

- Irene! (Intimidator)

-- What? (Irene)

-- I trust you! (Intimidator)

"I'll know Jefersom! I just do not know if I can say the same about you. (Irene coming out)

Part 20
Report 3

-- So, Irene, how was your day? (Manager)

-- Productive! (Irene)

-- You know, I've heard this many times from you.
lately. Believe me girl, you amaze me. It's been a long time since that I not have a good adapter, if we continue like this, we will be without patients. (Manager)

-- I'm not a brilliant girl, but I have my moments. (Irene)

--Sure! (Manager)

-- Well, confirmed my suspicions about the boy André. It was incest, with his sister and mother. (Irene)

-- Oh my God! (Manager)

-- M
ore details you can see what I wrote on his report. (Irene)

-- I will read. I think this kid's mind must be a mess. (Manager)

-- No, no, he liked it. The whole problem was in others peoples know of their intimacy with the two girls, he himself liked to make love with them. (Irene)

-- Shocking! (Manager)

-- IT IS! (Irene)

-- You know, Irene, Jamiel told me that his patients as a defector, living dead would be leaving soon, they are very well, by the way. You did a great job. (Manager)

-- IT IS! I do what I can! And what I can not too. (Irene)

-- I heard about your new patient, Bizarre. Do you think she has a chance? (Manager)

-- In her case, if a little worrisome, she does." (Irene)

- Tell me about it. (Manager)

-- The person that wrote her file was right on everything except ..." (Irene)

-- Except? (Manager)

-- Except there's something missing from her report. Something I have to find out. (Irene)

-- Like what? (Manager)

-- Something about her past, I think her father and her uncle were raping her. She claims that the teacher and director of the school sexual harassment her, but there is more. (Irene)

-- Do you think that? (Manager)

I think so. Unlike the boy Andre who practiced incest, Márcia is very hard, I would bet my career on this. She is not in her right mind. (Irene)

-- Yes, you're right. (Manager)

-- There's one more thing about her. (Irene)

-- What? (Manager)

-- She believes that with her deformity she can be happier than with her beauty." That's why she unconsciously deforms, but she still does not know. She definitely hates her own beauty. (Irene)

-- So it's not a form of self-punishment?" (Manager)

-- No, no, not far from that! It's hate! She is angry with her beautiful It is so distorts! (Irene)

-- What about our illustrious dirty-mouth friend? (Manager)

-- I really don´t know! His record does not match what he says and what I see in him in the practice. (Irene)

-- I think he's trying to confuse you!  (Manager)

-- Maybe, but it will take more time to find out. I need more time with the intimidator. (Irene)

-- Will have! After all, I promised! (Manager)

-- IT IS! You promised! (Irene)

But be careful! (Manager)

-- I'm taking! (Irene)

-- That's all, Mrs. Irene and good rest!  (Manager)

-- Thank you, boss, I really need it! (Irene)

-- So, see you tomorrow! (Manager)

-- See you tomorrow, boss! (Irene leaving the room)

Part 21
Warmth of the home 3

(Irene in her apartment in Fortica, lighting a cigarette, drinking something alcoholic and thinking of Gabriel)

-- I'm here on top of this building in the city of
Fortica, one of the innumerable plans of the angels. Here looking at the sunset, an artificial sun, imaginary, created by a strange people called builders, and I'm also here smoking this artificial cigarette, fruit of my imagination. Here in Fortica what is not made of your imagination then is done with the imagination of others.

-- We live in a fairy tale here in this place, where everything can be created with the power of thought, and far from the adversities of life, of the true human problems such as cutting the finger doing a simple thing like peeling a potato. I see this sunset and it seems so real, I come to think that these buildings, as well as those clouds, are also. In thinking that it only comes here in this city, which looks more like a dollhouse, who really is pure of thought. You know, sometimes I would like a home built with bricks and concrete, and a cigarette that is a cigarette, and not only looks like one, that has nicotine and that I can get addicted, addicted as a normal person. But what is normal for the living is not normal for the dead, and so I try to adapt with the idea of living in the illusion, as a good citizen of Fortica. (Gabriel thinking)

-- Hi! (Irene plan adapter)

-- How did you find me? (Gabriel)

-- I think very difficult for someone to lose a
suicide here in the city of Fortica. (Irene plan adapter)

-- IT IS! Until in a strange world, I can
be strange, I´m different from the others, is not it? But it does not give anything, in life I was too. (Gabriel)

-- What? Different? (Irene plan Adapter)

- Yeah, it's funny how a red spot on the shoulder can change the concept of people in relationship with someone. (Gabriel)

-- Before you begin to feel sorry for yourself, Gabriel, I have good news. (Irene adapter of plans)

- You know, I'm not sure why I'm not
surprised to hear this here on the fantasy island.

-- Well, the first! Today is your last learning. (Irene the plan adapter)

-- What is it to you today? It will be twenty four o'clock between the sun rising and the sun rising again of this artificial sunset? (Gabriel)

-- Yes, but continuing, the second is that you will
be considered an official Fortica citizen after the latter learning, and may leave the skydivers. Is not it the maximum? And you will also have a party of accreditation as a citizen, in a few days, where many people will be. (Irene the plan adapter)

-- In relation to the party, I will not be showing in
public square as an aberration, is not it? (Gabriel)

-- Of course not! There are many people wanting to know. It is your chance to make friends and perhaps who know to have a girlfriend (Irene the     adapter plans)

-- Well, relationship with skydivers, I'm not going out. (Gabriel)

- Look, if you want! You can stay but ... I think that you don´t like it (Irene the plan adapter)

-- The question is not to like, the question is that
they need me! Understood? (Gabriel)

-- As you wish, super hero. But then, can we go? We have lots to do. (Gabriel)

-- But it's getting dark! (Gabriel)

-- What's it? Are you afraid to be assaulted here in Fortica? (Irene the plan adapter by reading the
thoughts of Gabriel)

- I say that I still think how is not be assaulted. (Gabriel)

-- In that case, we can expect to dawn. (Irene
plan adapter)

- No, it's okay, come on! (Gabriel)
The last learning

(Pelotas, in a cafe in the morning)

-- Gabriel, you know why we came to a café here in the plane of the living? (Irene adapter for

-- No, but maybe to have a cup of coffee or
to eat a donut? (Gabriel)

-- We came here to learn how to feel the real feel of things, starting with food. (Irene plan adapter)

-- Do you see that man smoking a cigarette?
(Irene the plan adapter)

-- Yes, why? Do you want that I give a kiss him?

-- No, I want you to go there and see if you
has channel for it. (Irene plan adapter)

-- No, I do not. (Gabriel trying to connect
with man)

-- Then try with that woman who's smoking. a cigarette in the  fund, of the cafe. (Irene the plan adapter)

-- I do not believe! I'm feeling the taste of cigarette! And the taste is just like the real thing! As? (Gabriel)

-- Try the coffee she's having. (Irene the plan adapter)

-- I can taste it too! Wow, this here. It's real coffee! (Gabriel)

- You can connect the soul, and the system
nervous of the alive, if they have a channel for you.
The Soul of the alive is connected to the nervous system, and you can also connect partially, giving suggestions or experimenting with food, cigarette as the case may be. (Irene the plan adapter)

-- Irene, I know I've been a spirit bitter with you, but I do not know how to thank you. A gift how this is priceless. (Gabriel)

-- You have to be careful with something!
Many spirits become addicted and addicted to alive for pleasure. Now it's a cigarette, but tomorrow you can induce someone to alcoholism, or drugs. And it will be sad for both you and your victims. (Irene plan adapter)

-- Tell me something about drugs, a spirit can feel like to be drunk or drugged? (Gabriel)

-- Yes, that's the problem, so many spirits stay here and do not go to your plans. (Irene the flat adapter)

-- Could I become a low spirit? (Gabriel)

-- Right! Always remember to use what you have learned with wisdom. This would be a way for you thank me (Irene the plan adapter)

-- I understand. (Gabriel)

-- Now you know everything you need to know to
be a free spirit, your learning is over. (Irene plan adapter)

Part 22
Bizarre 2

-- Hi Marcia! (Irene)

-- Hi, Irene! (Bizarre)

-- Well, Márcia, I was thinking about our conversation yesterday and ... I think it's a lot worse than it looks, is not it? (Irene)

-- Yes, Irene! Yes it is! (Bizarre)

-- Tell me. (Irene)

-- Well, I thought that if I went to bed with the director of my school my problems will finish and, anyway it would be only more once, and I would never have to make sex with anyone that I would not want and ... (Bizarre )

-- AND? (Irene)

-- And I went to bed with him, but the problems did not finish. (Bizarre)

-- What kind of problems? He was not just the math teacher, was he? (Irene)

-- You're right, He was not! (Bizarre crying)

-- Who else? (Irene)

-- My father and my uncle. (Bizarre crying)

- Tell me about it. (Irene)

-- It was Friday night when my mother went to her friends' house. (Bizarre crying)

-- What happened on Friday nights, Marcia?" (Irene)

-- My father and uncle came into my room and ..." (Bizarre stammering)

-- AND? (Irene)

-- And I had to make sex with them, with both at the same time, otherwise they would kill me! You understand this? (Bizarre crying)

-- I understand! (Irene)

-- They liked it from behind and it hurt a lot, and I ask, Dad, why are you and my uncle doing this to me? Do not you love me? "And they said it was for my good, that it would make me a strong girl! (Bizarre crying a lot)

-- My God! (Irene)

-- You do not know what it's like to get your father's fucking taste in his mouth after they leave and the door closed! My mother and my aunt were suspicious, but they were my rivals, they thought I was going to take my father and uncle from them. You understand? The beauty took everything from me! Until that I did not have! (Bizarre crying a lot)

-- I'm so sorry. (Irene)

-- I know I too! (Bizarre stopping crying)

-- Look that! I think your deformation is a disturbance of your thinking, that is, after that you passed with your beauty you wanted to be ugly when you let go of the body, adopting the shape of the face of your corpse. But I think if you really want to have your look way back, you can do it. (Irene)

-- No! No way! I will never be beautiful again! Never! I not want to have pass all this again! You understand it? (Bizarre nervous)

-- Well, let's take a break today. I'll think in something. (Irene)

-- I too! And I'm sorry I shout with you. (Bizarre)

-- It's all right, Marcia. It's all right. (Irene)

Part 23
The Intimidator 4

-- Hello, Jeferson! (Irene)

-- Hello, Irene. (Intimidator)

-- You know, our last conversation you leave me confuse. (Irene)

-- I? Imagine! (Intimidator)

-- Will you tell me more about it? (Irene)

-- You don´t have idea what happens here in the diamond hall after you go out! (Intimidator)-- "And what is it, Jepherson?" (Irene)

-- I'd like that you stay after work and see for yourself. (Intimidator)

-- And what should I see with my eyes, Jeferson? (Irene)

-- See the most "bizarre" of truths! Re...! (Intimidator)

-- I can´t help you much if you don´t tell me." (Irene)

-- You not understand! (Intimidator)

-- What? (Irene)

-- Everything I've done with you so far has been a test! Everything! (Intimidator)

-- Everything that? (Irene)

-- Our dialogues. (Intimidator)

-- Testing me for what? (Irene)

-- To help me get out of here, so you'll see if you're hiding here after work. (Intimidator)

-- Jeferson, I honestly think it's gone too far! (Irene)

-- You must understand that you are my only hope! Do you understand that? You told me yourself that there was no reason for me to be here! (Intimidator)

-- At this point you're right. (Irene)

-- If I tell you, you will not believe me! So you need to see it with your own eyes! To be able to give me reason! (Intimidator)

-- I'll do it! It will be your way! (Irene)

-- Thank you, Irene, you will not were disappointed! (Intimidator)

-- I really hope that not Jeffers! (Irene)

Part 24

-- I leave the manager's office after the report of a hard day's work, and hide in one place of the diamond room. I intend to investigate Jeferson's statements and put an end to this a ‘‘little’’ bizarre story. If the manager really is involved then I'll know that the "shit" went to the fan. (Irene)

(two hours more later)
-- I start walking through the diamond hall that way no one can see me, so I discover something unexpected. I see Jamiel in front of the cage of the self-muffler, who I believed to have been sent to the low planes, and I observe the following sign: (Irene)

-- Show me the way! (Jamiel out of the cage looking at the self-mutilator)

-- Look! (Self-mutilator cutting his belly with a knife, and pulling her gut out)

-- The pain is a miracle!  (Jamiel doing the same like self- mutilator)

-- Pain will take us to God! (self- mutilator)

-- Damn it! I have to find the manager! (Irene leaving that way Jamiel does not notice)

(Half an hour more later)

-- Damn it! I do not believe that I´m seeing! (Irene)

-- Take a bitch! That's what you deserve! Hum…! (Manager inside the bizarre cage doing anal sex with her, pulling her long black hair and slamming her buttocks with violently)

-- Yes…! knock harder in me! (Bizarre having sex and catching of the manager)

-- So it is true! Jepherson was right! I have to find a way out of here so I need to do something about this. (Irene)

Part 25
Warmth of the home 4

(Irene in her apartment in Fortica lighting a cigarette, drinking something alcoholic and thinking of Gabriel)

-- I'm here again, watching this artificial sunset, remembering of the shouting of that little girl still is in my head, and thinking that those guys who killed her will one day be spirits, not just souls They will be demons! And we skydivers will continue to fight them, after they have gone from this life, after they have become demons, obsessing spirits, or zeppies and we skydivers will continue to fight against with them. The demons are spirits that were souls of bad people, they are the demons that make the life of the people a hell. What about the zéfiros? I see to me that human life have become a business, a product. Why do we need to be and do certain things to have spiritual protection right? (Gabriel thinking)
-- Thinking again, Gabriel? (Irene adapter)

- Yes, I had a full week as skydivers! (Gabriel)

-- Do you want to tell me? (Irene adapter)

-- Maybe someday! (Gabriel)

-- Gabriel, why do you insist in be an island? Isolated from the rest of the world! It hurts, do you know. (Irene adapter)

-- Who are you trying to make a fool, Irene? I know
That you read some of my thoughts before talk to me. (Gabriel)

-- Does it make a difference? Is there something to hide? (Irene adapter)

-- No, Irene, and if I wanted to hide something it does not make difference anymore. (Gabriel)

Ok, you really had a hard week. (Irene adapter)

-- It's what I'm trying to say. (Gabriel)

-- I think be a skydiver after all that you spent is not a good idea. Perhaps you should take some time, Gabriel. Rest a little Gabriel, you can´t take the world on your back. All the time. This is going to drive you crazy. (Irene adapter)

-- I'm just trying to help. (Irene the adapter
of plans)

-- I know. Come here! (Gabriel pulling and kissing)

-- Hmm ... (Irene kissing Gabriel)

-- I know you wanted too. (Gabriel)

-- You are confident too in your instincts, a
day may be wrong. Hm ... (Irene adapter for
plans, kissing Gabriel)

-- Hm ... (Gabriel undressing Irene's clothes)

Part 26

-- Good Morning! (Irene)

- Good morning, Irene! (Manager)

-- Need to talk to you. (Irene)

- Does it have to be now? I am a little bit busy. (Manager)

- Yes, it's very important! (Irene)

-- So talk. What would it be? (Manager)

- I found out what you and Jamiel doing at night, after work. (Irene)

-- What did you find out? (Manager)

-- You and Jamiel do not leave after work, do you?" (Irene)

- How did you know? (Manager)

I saw you doing sex with the bizarre one while Jamiel had psychotic orgasms in front of the auto motile cell! (Irene)

-- So you know? (Manager)

-- Yes I know! I found everything! What makes me think maybe the intimidating is right! (Irene)

-- Right on what? (Manager)

-- You're imprisoned here unnecessarily, and the rest I discovered last night are very serious! (Irene)

-- Look here! I do not know what you're thinking, but it's not what it seems to be. (Manager)

-- So I guess I deserve an explanation before I report it to the council. (Irene)

-- First of all I would like to say how bizarre and I love each other; Second, Jamiel began to have this  psychotic behavior for so long that he stayed here. This place very  crazy anyone! You know it! (Manager)

-- You do not go home after work, do you? (Irene)

-- No, I don´t! (Manager)

-- You and Jamiel haunt this place! You have become ghosts of this hell! (Irene)

-- You're right! We have become part of this hell! We can´t get out of here! Work has consumed us! (Manager)

-- What about the intimidating? (Irene)

-- He's using our mistakes to justify his innocence!" You have to understand that he is evil, he will try to manipulate you! (Manager)

-- Look, I do not know what to believe! (Irene)

-- You have to believe me! The bully is too dangerous! (Manager)

-- You do not inspire me much confidence! (Irene)

-- What are you going to do? (Manager)

- The right thing, I think! (Irene coming out and knocking on the door)

(In little time after in the auto motiler's cell)

-- Irene! What do you want to do? (Jamiel in front of the cage lever)

-- What I should have done a long time ago, you freak! Get out of my way! (Irene)

-- No! He is my reason for living! (Jamieu)

- Leave her Jamiel! (Manager coming)

-- No! Please! (Jamiel coming out of the front of the lever)

- Sadist! (Irene pulling the lever and watching the auto-motiler falling on the low planes)

-- No! No! No! He was all I had! (Jamiel kneeling on the floor crying)

- You will go treat yourself Jamiel! (Irene shouting and walking away from the place)

Part 27
Bizarra III

-- Hello, Irene! (Bizarre)

-- Hello, Marcia! (Irene)

"--  I Think that I know why you're here, did you discover  everything? did you not? (Bizarre)

 -- Did he force you Marcia?" (Irene)

-- No! We love each other, Irene! (Bizarre)

-- You know it's an impossible love, do not you?" (Irene)

-- Why do you say that? (Bizarre)

-- Because I'm going to report him to the council. (Irene)

-- You can´t do this! He's the only man who loves me this way, without my beauty! (Bizarre)

-- Yes, and this way you will not help yourself, staying longer here. It disrupts your evolution. (Irene)

- I'm happy here! You understand? (Bizarre)

-- I understand, I know that, but what you do not know is that here is not a hotel, Márcia! This is the embassy of hell in heaven! And I can not allow you to live here! (Irene)

-- Please! No! (Bizarre)

-- I'm sorry! More will be better for your treatment to stay away from it. (Irene)

-- No! Please do not! (Bizarre)

- See you later Márcia! And strive to get out of here, there is a new and beautiful world out there. (Irene coming out)

-- No, Irene! Wait! Do not do this! (Bizarre seeing Irene coming out)

- I already did Marcia, I already did. (Irene speaking alone, distancing herself from the bizarre cage)

-- Fuck! Slut! ... (Bizarre angry alone in the cage)

Part 28
Intimidating 5

-- Hello, Jeferson! (Irene)

-- Hello, Irene! I suppose you discovered everything, and that I was right. (Intimidator)

-- There's still one thing missing, Jeferson! (Irene)

-- What? (Intimidator)

--You, Jeferson! Miss you! (Irene)

-- What do It have I? (Intimidator)

- You were a pastor, your family died in an accident you survived, and then you become a more dedicated pastor hoping to one day see your family again. (Irene)

-- AND? (Intimidator)

-- And then you die and you do not see your family because they have reincarnated and ... (Irene being interrupted)

-- Where do you want to go? (Intimidator)
-- And you, when you found out that your family reincarnated without waiting for you, you get crazy time, became aggressive, mad and tried to cash in on the other spirits that were around you in Fortica. (Irene)

-- You really are very good." Really, really good. (Intimidator)

-- Jeffers! (Irene)

-- Speak! (Intimidator)

-- You do´t like God, do you? (Irene)

-- Why do you think that? (Intimidator)

-- You blame God for your family not waiting for you after all you've done for him, your fervent faith! Your dedicated work as a pastor! Your hope! And then came paradise without your family, it was not what you expected. It's as if God had betrayed you, do you think so? Don´t you? (Irene)

-- Yes Irene, you discovered everything! I have been using angels against one another to take revenge of God; for all that he has failed with me! (Intimidator)

-- You not only hate God, but also hate the angels, a life of faith! Without marrying again, without another woman, only waiting for death to arrive to have a reunion with his wife and children! It was too much for you! Don´t you (Irene)

-- That! I swore I would do my best to deny God and the angels! I hate God! (Intimidating in tears)

-- I'm sorry for you, Jeferson, you were a good man in life and you did not deserve it, you're only bad for the wrong reasons. You should believe in your own words and in the Bible that you preached, where It said until death do us part, Jeferson, I wish had help you but I failed! (Irene pulling the lever)

-- Go to hell! (Intimidator falling on low planes)

Part 29
The end justifies the means

-- Jamiel and the manager were sentenced by the advice and came to spend a season here in the diamond hall How patients, but I was promoted and became the diamond hall manager. I feel more nothing Gabriel I forgot him, and now I love my work, I think to learn to living in this hell, and I got a new boyfriend. (Irene)

-- Hello, Mrs. Irene! (Secretary)

-- Speak! (Irene)

-- Here are the reports of the new patients you asked for! (Secretary)

-- Thank you! (Irene)

-- And by the way, the new plan adapters will arrive next week, they are a girl and a boy, you have to read them and sign these papers, but I know that it's the end of the working day, and you can do it tomorrow. (Secretary)

-- You can leave it here, I'll sign it today. I'm staying after work. (Irene making a sarcastic smile)

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